While others say that ghosts and spirits are only figments of our imaginations, some life experiences cause us to reevaluate this belief. The stories we’re sharing today are about people sensing or witnessing the presence of deceased loved ones or encountering inexplicable situations that defy reasonable explanation. Regardless of how you feel about these phenomena, one thing is certain: they will give you the shivers.
Story 1:
When I was approximately 9 years old in 1995, on a hot summer day, I went to the refrigerator for a popsicle. Suddenly, a young man with long brown hair, dressed in a beige turtleneck and red plaid bell-bottoms, walked around the corner into the corridor to my left and vanished from toe to head as I watched him.
I told no one about it for years until one day my mother made a surprising revelation: she told me she met the (now adult) kids who lived in the house before us, and they asked her if she’d seen “the bell-bottom ghost.” © Dahhhkness/Reddit
Story 2:
Years ago, I saw a tiny blond boy through the mirrored armoire in my parents’ bedroom. He’d sit with his back to me. I can’t remember ever seeing his face.
I don’t think I saw him very much, yet I recall his image vividly. I attempted to get my folks to see it as well. They constantly refused, and my mother was very upset with me for asking. Years and years later, when I was an adult and my parents had sold the house, my mother unexpectedly asked me about the armoire.
Terrified, she told me she had seen the small kid before. Not in mirrors, but occasionally out of the corners of her eyes (like when she was cooking and caught a glimpse of blond hair passing by her hips at a child’s height) and in dreams. It didn’t happen all the time, but it was enough to make them really nervous. So, when I mentioned seeing the same small boy, my mother was as scared. © 10487518386/Reddit
Story 3:
My best friend’s father, who was like a second father to me, appeared to me in a dream and begged me to tell her he loved her and was sorry. I awoke to my cell phone ringing, and it was my best friend, who was completely frantic, telling me that he had finally passed away from sclerosis. I sobbed all day. © Unknown author/Reddit
Story 4:

When I was 15, I awoke in the middle of the night and seen an odd spotlight appear on my wall. It was a circle with several brilliant round dots within it. It came on strong, rotated 90 degrees, and then turned off. It was weird because the light was so strong but centered on just one point on my wall.
When I woke up the next morning, I couldn’t get the image out of my mind, so I assumed I had imagined it. My sister and I were discussing over breakfast when she mentioned, “I had this dream last night where my entire room suddenly lit up with these circular dots floating around.”
I got quite excited. «That actually occurred! I awoke and saw it, too!» My sister froze. «How is this possible? «My blinds are fully closed….»
I still get chills to this day. © -CoreyJ-, Reddit
Story 5:
When I was 17 (before the internet, answering machines, and cell phones), my family went on vacation to Canada, while I stayed at home to work my summer job. They were meant to be gone for seven days, but on the seventh day, I received a postcard from my mother informing me that they had opted to visit friends in Vermont and would return two days later than expected.
When they returned two days later, as planned, they all apologized for being gone for two days without telling me. I replied, «You did tell me. I received your postcard two days ago.»
My mother responded, «We did not send a postcard. We chose to stop on our way home, so even if we had sent a postcard, it would not have arrived yet.» «But I have the postcard right here,» I remarked, grabbing for the stack of mail on the counter. I looked through it and found no postcards.
I must have dreamed that she had sent it to notify me. © Wiseb***98/Reddit
Story 6:
Around the time my grandfather passed away, I awoke one night to what appeared to be my father making sure I was asleep. My father closely resembles my late grandfather. Normally, dad would come into my room to see whether I was sleeping, but when I got up and he didn’t move a muscle, I asked, “Dad,” and he began walking away before disappearing. At that point, I put my blankets over me and fell back asleep.
I asked my father about it the next day, and he just said it was sleep paralysis. However, I have previously experienced sleep paralysis, and I am certain I was awake and aware that someone was staring at me that night. © Unknown author/Reddit
Story 7:

My phone levitated a few inches off my kitchen counter before plummeting back down with a loud clatter. My partner was in the living room at the moment, and he could see me but not my phone, and he heard the thud when it fell. © Bioxkitty/Reddit
Story 8:
I worked at a truck stop for a few years until my boss passed away of canc*r. Following his passing, we hired a new manager who wanted to add a glass case to our food to make it appear better.
One day at work, it simply burst. Checked the cameras, and all anyone saw was the case crashing to pieces with no one or nothing nearby. Also, earlier that day, the fire alarm went off, and they traced the origin to a rear room where my former boss spent the majority of his time. When the alarm went off, the room was vacant, as visible on the cameras.
Maybe it was just a coincidence, but two strange events occurred on the same day. © nicolia***off/Reddit
Story 9:
When I was 13 or 14, my mother and I had a disagreement. I can’t recall what happened, but it ended with me being sent to my room. I locked my door (as I normally do), lay on my bed, and turned on my Nintendo DS.
Not long after, both of my legs sprang up into the air and were hurled back down with such power that my feet bounced on the bed a few times due to the impact. I was gripped by dread and couldn’t make a noise.
Finally mustering up the courage, I got up and ran to the living room where my mom and my siblings were, and as I made my way, I realized that my door was not locked. © ahometoalife / Reddit
Story 10:
When I was younger, I had a nightmare in which a strange cat-like thing appeared from my TV and began chasing me, as nightmares usually do. It was relatively regular until I went down into our laundry room and noticed my brother backing away from these bizarre goop-like objects. I got captured and awoke horrified, as one would anticipate.
The next morning, I awoke and went downstairs to hear my brother speaking to our mother. He told her that he had a nightmare in which these goopy monsters chased him, and that he saw me on his left being pursued by something. We hadn’t told each other about our nightmares until that time.
It’s something I still wonder about today. Copyright TheKingofHats007/Reddit