Home relationship 11 body languages ​​that show someone is trying to impress you

11 body languages ​​that show someone is trying to impress you

Here are little-known body language signs that show someone is trying to impress you.

1. Get closer

A person who wants to impress you will not be able to help but notice you. They will come a little closer to you, until the distance is only a few hands. And when you’re both seated, they’ll tend to lean toward you as if to say, “I really like you.”

2. Show off

Showing off here doesn’t mean boasting, but people who want to impress you will tend to show off the physical features they love and feel proud of.

3. Nod your head as if to say “Oh my god! I completely understand you!”

People who want to impress you will nod while you’re talking, even if you’re sharing about something very mundane. Some people are uncomfortable with this but others find it great to receive such attention. Not only does it make you feel supported, but it also makes you feel like you’re the smartest person in the place.

4. Too many hand gestures

People who want you to like them will use a lot of hand gestures. You can observe this in speakers and salespeople when standing in front of many people. They use their hands to emphasize a point, to express emotions, and to demonstrate and explain. This also makes them seem more passionate about what they are saying.

5. Play with your hair

Have you noticed this when you’re trying to impress others? Unless it’s truly a daily habit, someone who fiddles with their hair a lot while talking is really trying to impress you. It could be that they want your attention or are too self-conscious because they desire to win your heart.

6. Put your hands in your pockets

At first glance, this gesture may seem like it belongs to a shy person, but if a person frequently does this around you, there’s a good chance they’re trying to impress you.

7. Put your index finger to your lips when thinking

People who want to appear smart and hardworking often do this. This gesture seems to say “Hmmm… That’s interesting. I’m thinking about it right now.”

8. Place your hands on your hips

The body language of placing your hands on your hips shows that you are a confident person. It’s as if it’s sending the message: “I know what I’m doing” or “I know I’m okay.” Usually, we do this when we want to appear tough and confident – which are also traits your crush wants to project.

9. Point your finger here and there

There are many ways to show that someone is trying to impress others. People who want to impress you with their passion, strong will, and determination will point to objects in the room during conversation as a way to make a point.

10. Light touch

When you want someone to like you, you tend to want to touch them. This may sound a bit rough but it’s true. Have you noticed someone touching your arm while chatting, patting you on the shoulder, or actively high-fiving you?

11. They always test your reactions

When someone speaks in front of many people, do you notice that their eyes are always directed towards you? And when they do or say something funny, do they glance at you to check your reaction?