Although doubters deny the existence of ghosts, personal experiences frequently question this belief. Today’s stories focus around persons who felt the presence of deceased loved ones or witnessed strange and unpleasant happenings. Whether you believe in such happenings or not, it is obvious that these stories will elicit chills.
Story 1:
Just a week after my mother-in-law passed away away, I was staring at a framed portrait of her on the coffee table, reflecting on how she was never a kind woman, and at times even nasty. Suddenly, I heard a huge boom from her room. I went up there to check, and everything seemed OK.
But when I returned, I was scared to see my entire coffee table covered in small glass pieces. I then realized that the glass in the framed portrait had totally crumbled. I was shivering with terror. I took the photograph and buried it in a drawer.
Story 2:
When I was a newborn, my mother and grandmother heard someone say hello to me over the baby monitor. They both went upstairs to find nothing there, and we believe it was my grandfather, who had died before I was born, saying hello to me. © 99-Savage | Reddit
Story 3:

My father was diagnosed with ca::ncer, so I returned to live with my parents. We lost the struggle, but we were still there to support my mother. I was getting ready for work at approximately 4 a.m. You switch off the light in the kitchen and stroll past the living room to the front door.
When I was halfway into the living room, I could sense my father sitting in his normal chair, as if he were watching me. My hair stuck up, and it was a strange feeling. Despite the fact that it was pitch black, I said, “Love you, Dad,” and left for work. © Remote_Salad949/Reddit
Story 4:
While touring the Whaley mansion, a well-known purportedly haunted mansion in San Diego, California, I heard piano music banging in a downstairs parlor or living room. There was no one in the room, and no one in my group heard the music, which barely lasted a few seconds. © invisiblette / Reddit.
Story 5:
When I was nine years old, I stayed up for three days since it was summer break and my grandmother was visiting. She di::ed in her sleep, so we phoned the police, who carried her away. I could not sleep that night. Then I went to the mirror and looked at myself, only to see her. © Left-Tutor9890 | Reddit
Story 6:
The day my uncle passed away, I went to bed early. I dreamed about him saying goodbye to me. When I woke up, I walked into the living room. My mother was crying. She said, “Your uncle Frank passed away moments ago.” © a2625 / Reddit
Story 7:

My brother was dancing and not talking to anyone in the living room. He finished with, “Thank you, grandma…” She had passed away many years before, and the day this occurred would have been her birthday if she had still been alive. © BigMemerMaan1 | Reddit
Story 8:
When I was between the ages of two and four, I would tell my mother that I did not want to go upstairs because the small kid terrified me. My mother was painting alone the first night in the house when she heard something and seen a tiny child strolling down those stairs. © dietsaddad | Reddit
Story 9:
When I was approximately three years old, my grandmother told me about my deceased uncle and showed me some images of him. He di:ed four years before I was born, but I distinctly recall seeing him in the corner of my house, gazing at me and waving with his hand. I remember telling my grandmother about it, and she was horrified. © Nastiunich/Reddit
Story 10:

My living room features a large mirror that mirrors the hallway doorway. I was about 11 or 12 years old when I began looking into it and combing my hair for school. I was going to tie it up when I noticed a white person walking past my door. I knew it was my grandma, and she was simply showing us that she was still alive. © EmmiDev/Reddit
Story 11:
Many years ago, just before my husband died, I heard a disembodied voice from approximately 15 feet distant say, “Look at him. “This is the last time you’ll see him alive.” This was… I can still hear the voice. It sounded feminine. © G***illaYourDreams/Reddit
Story 12:
My father once told me that he walked into the bathroom at night and grabbed for the light switch. He stated that there was what seemed to be an elderly person’s hand covering the switch. He took his hand away for a second before reaching back to feel again, and it was gone. He switched on the light, but there was nothing there. © Traditional_Self_658 | Reddit