Getting a guy to be with you in a relationship is one thing, but knowing how to make him fall in love is a different thing. There are reasons why you fall for a certain person and once you understand the rules of attraction, you’ll be the master of making guys fall for you.
Now, if you are not sure how to make your boyfriend fall in love with you, just follow the tips below and you might soon get the desired results.

1. Be Yourself
Be yourself when trying to make a man fall in love with you. It is important to be yourself and not someone else when it comes to personality and character. If you are pretending to be different from your true self when trying to make a guy like you, you are not doing yourself any favors. By trying not to be yourself, you are clearly indicating or suggesting that you are not comfortable with yourself. Many guys will easily notice this shortcoming in you and quickly become disinterested. You might be able to keep the fake life up for a few weeks, months, or even years. But sooner or later, you will grow tired of hiding your true personality, and he will get tired of trying to figure out who you really are, what you really like, and when you are actually being sincere. The best relationship is a long relationship. When a man falls madly in love with you, you want that love to last, so be yourself right from the start.
2. Be Aware of Your Appearance
Don’t let your appearance let you down. Your appearance can make you win or lose when it comes to dating. To please a man and make him get interested in you, you should be presentable. Be aware of what you are wearing, whether or not your hair is clean, and if you are dressed appropriately. Of course, you want to look sєxy for the man you want to fall in love with you, but sєx appeal doesn’t necessarily mean body-hugging clothing and lots of cleavage. Jeans and a t-shirt with wind-blown hair can be just as sєxy as a manicured look in a formal outfit, in the right circumstances. In summary, just wear something that makes you feel confident, comfortable, and good about yourself. Do your best to look as good as you can, no matter where you are going. You never know when you might unexpectedly bump into the man of your dreams.
3. Show Self Confidence
Liking yourself makes it easy for him to like you too. You are a good person with very special qualities. Be confident that you are worthy of being loved! Confidence is key. Sure, some women seem to make a career out of catching men by playing the victim or the helpless female. Without confidence, you risk being left behind. If you want a guy to like you, you need to have a sense of confidence in yourself that will ultimately make you approach him without fearing or sensing any danger.
4. Smile and Laugh
As much as possible, don’t forget to enjoy yourself and let it show. The happier you are, the more your boyfriend will be drawn to your positive vibes. Flash a genuine smile often, be enjoyable and outgoing, laugh at his jokes, and be optimistic. Guys generally love girls with a sense of humor who can make them feel good.
5. Have Good Morals
Good morals are a necessity in convincing a man to love you. Nobody wants to get involved with someone who can’t be trusted. Men like women who are disciplined and are not pushovers. Behave maturely towards him and be respectful of him, just as you expect him to be respectful towards you. Furthermore, have respect for yourself and your values; know who you are and what you stand for. If you can be true to yourself and demonstrate all these types of qualities, your perfect match will definitely fall in love with you!