Maybe you think that sideways glance at the cute guy or good looking girl is innocent enough, or when you don’t notice the little things he or she did to make your life easier doesn’t really matter, but it does. According to matchmaker reviews, men and women made similar comments about how their partners have hurt them.

1. A look
Appreciating the beauty of a women or a handsome man, (who isn’t your partner) isn’t wrong, we’ve all done it. A glance is different than staring at the person as they walk past you, and every time you’re out. When you pay more attention to other people this can leave your partner feeling you don’t respect or care about them.
2. Demeaning your partner
Demeaning your partner can be done very innocently. It’s thinks like completing his or her sentence, taking over telling a story, to order their food. You might think this means you’ve got a great connection that you know what the other person is thinking to knowing their favourite food but people are individuals and they want to be treated that way.
3. Creating suspicion
There are many things can lead to suspicion. For example, you hide your phone, are vague about how you spent your day, to putting your phone on silent so your incoming calls and messages aren’t known, etc. You could be innocently and thoughtfully planning a surprise for your partner, but these actions can create unwarranted suspicion.
4. When You Don’t Notice the Little Things
There are lots of things to do to make your life and that of your partner a bit easier. We’re all so busy these days that it helps when both pitch in and attack the “To Do List”. When you come home to the garage cleaned up, or your favourite meal has been made, or you take the kids out for the day so he can watch the playoffs with his buddies, make sure you acknowledge these thoughtful acts.
5. Miscommunication
According to matchmaker reviews, there are times when both women and women feel they aren’t being heard. All of us communicate in different ways. You say something, you feel you have expressed yourself but the other person interprets what you’ve said differently than your meaning. Using absolute words like “You always” and “You never”, leads to conflict rather than opportunities to gain clarification. When he asks you “What’s wrong?” don’t say “Nothing” if there is something wrong. He can’t read your mind… don’t expect him to.