Women look for loving and caring husbands. Someone who would be truthful to them! It’s a gamble that everyone plays, and only a few wins.
At times, when women are smitten with their partners, they tend to overlook the conspicuous signs of a disrespectful husband.
So, when it comes to choosing a life partner, women ought to be sure of a lot of things, their future husbands being respectful towards them is the one.
It’s quite tricky to know when your husband disrespects you. So, listed below are some of the signs of a disrespectful husband that everyone woman must know of.

1. Ignoring your needs
If your husband ignores your needs in the marriage without even listening to you once, then it’s a major red flag. Your husband first and foremost listen to you and should be able to take care of your needs as well just like you take care of his.
2. Demanding excessively
Your husband shouldn’t be too demanding because it can be very pressurising to resort to his demands that only include his needs. Marriage is about two people, not just one.
3. Comparing you to others
Drawing a comparison with other people may encourage you to be better and reach your goals faster. But too much of it can be really unhealthy as it may discourage you and may cause you to doubt yourself. So, if your husband is the one who’s constantly comparing you to others, then maybe you need to have a talk with him.
4. No compromises
It’s tough to be with a person who can’t compromise on anything. If your husband refuses to do things your way even for once, then that means he’s not ready to compromise even just a little bit.
5. Not having you as his priority
A husband should be able to prioritise his wife in marriage as compared to every other aspect of his life. If your husband doesn’t do that, he’s clearly being disrespectful of your position as his wife.
6. Dominating you
This is a major red flag. Your husband shouldn’t boss you around as you belong to him. He should respect your choices. Stand up for yourself and don’t let your husband dominate you over and over again.
References: marriage.com, news365.co.za