Home relationship 6 Signs Show That You’re Melting Her Heart

6 Signs Show That You’re Melting Her Heart

6 Signs Show That You’re Melting Her Heart

1. She always has a smile for you

She will do everything she can to make you smile especially when you’re having an awfully bad day. She will not rest until she knows you’re OK.

2. Nothing is more important than you

She responds to your texts, pings, tweets, social-networking chats and emails in less than an hour. Your phone calls are never ignored without a long sorry message.

3. She is there for you no matter what

No matter what it’s mid day or midnight, sober or drunk, if you call, she will answer and talk. She may have to sleep to look fresh for the biggest moment of her life tomorrow, but she’d rather be talking to you.

4. Everything about you is a big deal

Whether it’s your birthday, your parents’ wedding anniversary or even a promotion at work, she is overjoyed for you. She always lets you know how your happiness makes her happy.

5. She has her jealous moment

If you tell her about this girl you believe is pretty, you will find an obvious change in her tone. She will then proceed to give you an hour’s lecture about anything and everything she can find wrong in that girl.

6. Every word you utter matters

She listens carefully to everything you say and remembers the tiniest details from every conversation you’ve ever had. Don’t be surprised when your birthday gift is something you mentioned once in a drunk conversation in the middle of the night three months ago.