You feel that your man does not care about you or love you anymore. You may or may not be right about this, but you are just unable to shake away the feeling that something is just not right with him. Sometimes, the love can feel suppressed and fading, and at times like these, you can do nothing but accept it. Read on for some common signs that might mean that he is not as caring toward you as he used to be before.

1. He doesn’t consider your views important
All of us know that the man is the head, and of course, whatever he says if final! But before taking the final decision, he has to ask for your views as his Lady. Knowledge and wisdom don’t reside in one person’s head and as they say, two heads are better than one.
This is clear and loud! If he likes you, he will be concerned about your views and suggestions. Yet, if he doesn’t care to get your thoughts then surely, he doesn’t love and cares for you. Guys will try to make an impression by paying attention to what you have to say and your feelings. But if he doesn’t seem to care about your views, it is a clear sign that tells he is not into you.
2. He shows no respect while talking to you
He did mind his language and talked to you respectfully initially but not anymore. He might temporarily mind his manners when reprimanded, but it does not take him long to be rude and uncaring while talking to you. Men are always at their best behavior when talking to the woman they like. They even refrain from using cuss words around them. If he disrespects you, it means he doesn’t care about you.
3. He treats you the same as he treats other ladies
This is a basic sign but hard to spot out. A guys’ treatment of his sweetheart is the way he behaves towards her. Actually, in all cases, if a man loves and cares for you, you should be treated preferentially to other ladies. To get preferential treatment is to be treated better than other Ladies.
If your man loves and cares for you, there is a distinction in the manner in which he acts around you. His manner of speaking is unique, his habits are extraordinary, and his sensation is unique.
That’s is the way it should go, as a Lady you need to feel consistently that you’re been treated uniquely in contrast to other Ladies. So, if you want to know the signs that tell he’s not into you, he does not like and care for you, mark the above point.
4. He Doesn’t Care About Your Associations with Other Men
Jealousy is in everyone especially when you’re in love or relationship. It’s very natural for guys to be jealous if they realize that their sweetheart is talking to some other guy or spending time with them.
So, if he doesn’t appear to be jealous of some other man conversing with you that is one of the significant signs, he doesn’t care for you any longer. Jealousy is an in-built feeling in relationships that can’t be kept down.
It’s a suspicion or fearful of being displaced by a rival. If a guy truly likes a lady, he can’t just pretend not to be jealous by other potential suitors.
5. He doesn’t offer you help in times of need
One of the main purposes of being in friendship, love, and relationship is for companionship and to be of help to each other. One of the times in life to know if he likes, loves, and cares for you is when you’re facing life’s challenges.
If your man doesn’t like you, he will not mind you and if you ask him, he just gives you a lot of excuses you’ve never heard before. But if he cares for you, he will try to help you get out of the challenge or pains or find exit points to your challenges.
This is a very serious point you must put into consideration, as for guys when it comes to the girl they treasure, they will go the extra mile to make sure that you’re okay all the time. If you notice that at the point when you need assistance and you see him not, this is a clear sign that reveals to you he does not like and care for you.
6. He is always busy and unavailable
No doubt he may have multiple things to take care of in his life, but if he likes you, he will make time for you. However, if your guy is too busy to even text you back or ask about your well-being, it means he does not care. No matter when you call him, he will most certainly be too busy to talk to you. He is clearly avoiding you, hoping you will get the message loud and clear.
7. He’s Not Interested Conversing with You and Doesn’t Remember What You Tell Him
This is another point if a guy is no more conversing with you and does not remember what you tell him, it’s a red flag that tells he is not interested in you! Any guy that loves and cares for you gives you the attention and spend time with you conversing about future plans.
Take a critical look at the measure of time he gives you! Perhaps the greatest sign he does not like and care for you or isn’t interested in is the measure of attention he gives you. Moreover, when we come to the second section, that’s the remembrance of things you tell him, know that the brain remembers things that are of importance, and things that are not. If he isn’t recollecting the important things you state, it implies you’re not very important to him.