Some things are better left unsaid.
Communication is the key to building a healthy relationship and wrong communication can destroy all that has been built. Being sincere and open with your boyfriend is recommended but there is an extent to which you can be open. Not to forget that men are known for their unpredictable ego and anger issues, a harmless statement about some things might just provoke him or prick his ego so bad that it could lead to a breakup or a wounded relationship. This is why you should never mention the things on this list to your man
1. That you ᴄʜᴇᴀᴛᴇᴅ on your ex – If for whatever reason you ᴄʜᴇᴀᴛᴇᴅ on your ex, your current doesn’t need to know. Telling him that you ᴄʜᴇᴀᴛᴇᴅ even if you had a valid reason will just make him less likely to trust you.
2. About the guy that hit on you – I know; you are probably happy with yourself that another man hit on you but you held your ground. The truth however is that telling you man will not help your relationship.
3. What you think of his best friend – A man’s best friend is an extension of who he is. If you think his best friend is hot, telling him will rub him the wrong way. If, on the flip side, you think that his best friend is a loser, unless it is negatively affecting your man, it is best not to say it.
4. The ????? ??????? – If you have ғᴀᴋᴇᴅ ᴀɴ ᴏʀɢᴀsᴍ, then you are obligated to forever hold your peace. If you didn’t tell him then, there is no use telling him now.
5. That he isn’t your usual type – It happens. Sometimes you get with a man you wouldn’t normally date and the two of you hit it off like a bush fire. If this is how it happened between the two of you, he doesn’t need to know. Telling him now will just make him insecure, it won’t help anybody.
6. Trying to compare him with your ex-boyfriend or father. Girl you are dating him now; not your ex-boyfriend or father. There are some comparisons that simply drive men nuts. How do you start wanting boyfriend to start being like your brother, father, cousins and God knows who else? He is his own character and that is what you got when you hooked up. Gosh!
7. Hating on his choice of friends: It is this simple, you have your girl moments and he has his boy moments. Some ladies try to dictate the kind of friends their boyfriends should make. Some even try to impose friends. Why can’t you just let your man be? It makes no sense to imagine the friends who make you happy are the same who will make him happy.