Let’s hope he is treating you better than you deserve, and at a minimum, he shows all of these 8 signs in your relationship.
Here are signs he’s treating you the way you truly deserve

1. He always makes you feel beautiful.
He understands that making you feel beautiful does not just mean saying the words to you. It will mean truly making you feel beautiful. In the way he looks at you, touches you and treats you. He notices details when you put effort into your appearance and remind you how attractive he still finds you, even when you don’t. He understands that whether you are in your sweatpants on the couch or in your evening gown heading to a gala, when you love someone for who they truly are, everything about them becomes beautiful.
2. His friends know you’re a package deal
Before you met, you each had friends and being included in get-togethers with their friends can be a testing time. Ideally, he will make sure that his friends get to meet you in a happy, stress-free atmosphere. Starting things off on the right foot with loved ones means he is treating you like you deserve.
3. He always inspires you to grow.
To inspire someone takes effort both in how one lives their own life and how they encourage others to live theirs. His drive and ambition will rub off on you as he pursues his own passions. In the best relationships, you don’t desire to make that other person your whole life, and they don’t want that either. They not only give you the space to maintain your life beyond the relationship, but they make you want to be as wholly yourself as possible.
3. He spends time because he really want to.
He doesn’t take spending time with you as a duty. He wants to spend time because he loves you and wants you to be present around him all the time. He loves your company and your presence.
4. Trust goes both ways
He demonstrates that he trusts you when he is treating you like you deserve. You are able to demonstrate that you trust him as well by not checking up on his actions.
5. He feeds not just your body, but your mind.
He might buy you dinner; he might make it for you. A man who’s in love lives to satisfy his woman — and that’s equally through her stomach as it is through her passions and soul. He’ll just as easily buy you chocolates as he would books because he knows enriching you is his favorite hobby and it makes the both of you better.
6. You are included in future plans
Tomorrow definitely includes you in your partner’s mind, and they show it by involving you in the planning of both little and big daily future events.
7. Rarely argues with you
Cooperation is the spirit of working together so both parties feel supported in their needs. If he is treating you like you deserve then he is allowing you to express your needs and making sure that he works to meet you at least halfway, rather than explain why he can’t budge.
8. He keeps his promises.
He may not make many of them – if only to lessen the chances of having to break them – but when he makes a promise, he always delivers. He knows you have faith in him and he will never ever disappoint you. He just wants you to be happy.