Time to face the hard truth. Sometimes, guys pretend to like you, even love you, just to get you to take your clothes off.
Call it paranoid, but we have to make sure that a man isn’t faking love just to sleep with us before we give it away. However, when a bad man tricks us, it can leave permanent scars. not only will you feel terrible that you were so naïve, but you will have to deal with the repercussions of a heartless man.
We are going to let you in a little secret for spotting and stopping these players and womanizing guys. you can always tell a man’s true colors if you observe more than just what he’s saying, and actually pay attention to how he’s behaving.

1. He rarely makes time for you unless it’s for s*x.
He doesn’t make time for you unless you guarantee him a fun night in the bedroom with you. Otherwise, he is just going to act disinterested and unwilling. He doesn’t like to take time out of his schedule for your dates, hangouts, or just random chill sessions. He only wants to be with you when you’re looking to get physically intimate with him.
2. He does not introduce you to his family and friends
If a guy is serious about you, he will introduce you to his family and friends. If he does not, he must have some kind of reason for that. If your boyfriend gives you stupid excuses when you ask him about not letting you meet his family and friends, it’s probably because he is not serious about you. There’s no reason for him to delay this, when you have already introduced him to yours. Well, ladies, take the hint; he is not into the relationship.
3. He does not check on you
He doesn’t check up on you when you’re not together. He never asks you how you’re feeling. He won’t try to cheer you up when you’re feeling down. He won’t take care of you whenever you’re sick. The point is that he only thinks of himself and his own personal desires.
4. All your conversations only revolve around s*x.
You rarely ever talk but during the rare times where you’re actually conversing with each other, it’s always about s*x. He is always telling you about stuff he wants to try in the bedroom, or he’s making plans with you about your next sexual escapade.
5. Alcohol Is Involved
Does your man takes you out for dinner date? Or does he invites you to meet you only to have drinks. If he does, there’s only one reason behind that, he is behind your body, not your love. You are easy prey when drunk. Does he ask’s you to hang out in public only when there’s drinking involved, like meeting up in a bar or a night club where alcohol is involved? Well girls, there’s no more to think, pack your bags and walk out, before the relationship adds more misery to your life.
6. He does not share details
You have provided him with every single detail of your life, but he refrains from talking much about himself. He will not talk about his family, his work or anything that could help you in tracing him. Even if you try to ask him about these things, he would change the topic and would always avoid talking about them. You cannot help but doubt the intentions of a man who is dating you but refuses to divulge anything about his life.
7. He Only Compliments Your Looks
Girls love compliments from their boyfriends, do you ever feel that your boyfriend is complimenting only your looks and he never complements you for who you are? Like you draw beautifully, does your boy friend compliments you for drawing well or does he compliment you for having a good body? If you feel that way, there’s a sure chance that he might be faking his love just to sleep with you. A true man appreciates you for what you are, not for how you look.
8. He never plans a date
It is always you who plans a date with him. He does come along but you sense some discomfort and disinterest in him. You expect him to take you out sometime but he never does. Even if you plan something, he doesn’t seem to notice all the pain you took to ensure that your date turns out to be a memorable one. When you are in a relationship, going out on a date is a must because it helps you spend more time with your partner and allows you to know them better.