Every woman dreams of having an understanding partner, who is truly her equal and treats her with respect. However, more often than not, respect, love, and trust are limited to the beginning of a relationship when he’s trying to woo. Soon, the man that seemed like husband material turns into just another guy who neglects his partner.
Of course, every relationship has its ups and downs, but if a man truly values you, he’s bound to do his best to keep you. No matter how old the two of you grow together, you know that he will cherish you just as he did when you started out. Here are 8 signs that you should look out for to gauge if your man is someone who’ll value you for life.

1. He looks at you like maybe you are magic.
A man’s gaze can tell more than a million words. You can tell by the way his eyes follow your naked body playfully around the house on a Sunday morning, just after you got out of the shower, by the way he looks at you with complete fascination when you talk about your most vivid passions, by the way his gaze fills with tearful emotion when he hasn’t seen you in a long time.
2. He makes you his priority, not an option.
He makes time to talk to you, listen to you, help you out not just in difficult situations but with mostly any tiny thing – simply because he firmly believes love is about sharing, caring and experiencing a strong, transforming bond. He makes time for you in spite of your busy schedules, problems or missed connections. Time is money, but to him time is also love lived well.
3. He listens to you
For many women in relationships, one of the primary concerns after a few years of being together is that their partner doesn’t listen to anything they have to say. Not only are many men dismissive of their women’s opinions, but also their feelings. If your guy listens to what you have to say and even acts on what he needs to when you convey it, it is a sign that he really values you. He sees you as an intelligent person and believes that he can learn from you.
4. He wants to share his life with you.
He pays great admiration to you and is eager to take you on a trip in his own world, not keeping any secrets from you and inviting you to explore together all the possibilities of romance. He cares about the relationships you build with his friends, his family, his co-workers, and doesn’t pressure you to do anything you wouldn’t be entirely comfortable with.
5. He treasures you.
And he doesn’t keep that to himself. He loves to make a big deal out of your relationship and express his pride and admiration to his friends, family and other important people in his life. He takes great pleasure in expressing how he feels about your connection, without making a show out of it. He just truly enjoys what the two of you have.
6. His actions speak louder than his words.
He hates to overpromise and underdeliver, especially in love. He’ll surprise you with a big opportunity, a small taken of admiration or a romantic getaway rather than projecting out loud how he’ll make those things happen and make you wait forever.
7. He talks to you about big decisions
As equal partners, it is expected that your spouse or boyfriend would seek your opinion about the big decision they are about to take in life. Like taking a job across the country or buying a house, these are things that would overhaul your life. If he expects you to follow him wherever he goes, he needs to ask you first. When you find someone who actually cares about you and tells you before not after making the decision, know that you have found someone who really cares about you.
8. He wants to immerse himself in your world.
He knows how important your individuality, hobbies, projects and friendships are to you and he will take a stand to be an important part of your life, if you let him. He entertains your friends, offers to help whenever he’s solicited and offer great advice to everyone in need.
References: her.womenworking.com, dailyinformator.com