Home Funny 9 things a man will NEVER tell you even if you are...

9 things a man will NEVER tell you even if you are his wife and he loves you so much

9 things a man will NEVER tell you even if you are his wife and he loves you so much

1. He’s insecure about his body.

Men might not always pay attention to their personal hygiene, but that doesn’t mean that he’s not hyper-sensitive about every love handle, wrinkle, or graying hair on his body.

He might wear the same hoodie every day, but he still worries that he’s not as pretty as he once was.

2. Sometimes he pees in a bottle.

He does. And occasionally in sinks. More often than you’d think.

He knows that it’s gross … but it’s not THAT gross and he’s pretty proud of how adaptive his peeing ability is.

3. It hurts when you hit him.

Remember when you got pissed at your boyfriend/husband and angrily slapped him? Or punched him in the back a few times? It hurt. It even left a mark.

But men aren’t supposed to admit that. And your man finds it particularly worrisome because he knows that if he did the same thing back to you, he’d probably be in the back of a cop car right now. (Rightly so.)

Yes, men are bigger, but it doesn’t mean that the same rules don’t apply when it comes to angry physical contact.

Abuse is abuse. Don’t hit him.

4. Crave For More $ex

Men like it more when you make them feel needed and wanted. It is True that they are always thinking about $ex and want it even more every time. More action less talks.

5. He Hates Making Good Night Calls

Boys hate things they are made to things forcefully. They like calling you because they want to call you. Though they hate calling you to say good night but they still make such calls, This is because they know you love them when they do so.

6. He still wants to have his alone time

He still wants to be able to spend time on his own. It doesn’t matter how in love he is with you. It doesn’t matter that you’re both in a happy and stable relationship. He is still going to want to have his alone time. After all, he is still a human being. Also, he’s entitled to be on his own. That doesn’t mean that he doesn’t love you. But enjoying the time he gets on his own is part of him engaging in self-love.

7. He still becomes attracted to other women

He’s a guy. Naturally, he’s still going to notice the attractiveness and beauty of other women. It doesn’t matter how in love he is with you or how strong your relationship might be. However, he’s not going to let you know that he’s attracted to other girls. And this shouldn’t be a problem. It only becomes a problem if he acts on his feelings.

8. He do notice the Extra Kilos

Men notice little things too. They notice those extra kilos which you gain with time. But they are sensible enough to make sure not to hurt your feelings by telling it to you. He will never tell you to reduce those extra kilos.

9. No one compliments him.

Men get a lot of validation in school and office settings, but there isn’t really a culture that supports men receiving casual compliments from their peers.

Are you mad that your man didn’t notice your new jeans? When was the last time you noticed his new shirt? Or the last time you told him that he looked great when it wasn’t a special occasion?

Men need the same kind of validation that women need — they’re just not good at asking for it.