My father-in-law Richard destroyed my precious garden to make way for his unlawful pool, and I was furious. But, as the saying goes, karma operates in weird ways. What followed was a series of unanticipated circumstances that transformed his ideal endeavor into a nightmare.
I never imagined that karma would come knocking, but it did. Grab a cup of coffee and relax in, for this narrative is a wild journey from beginning to end.
First, allow me to introduce myself. I’m Linda, a 40-year-old high school English teacher who lives with my husband Tom and father-in-law Richard.
Tom and I have been married for 15 beautiful years and have been together since college. Life was very easy sailing until approximately two years ago, when Richard moved in with us after my mother-in-law died.
Now, Richard is not the easiest person to live with. He has opinions on everything and believes he knows the most about, well, everything. Our relationship has always been tight, but I’ve done my best to make it work for Tom.

However, living under the same roof has been… difficult, to say the least.
Tom and I don’t have children, so I’ve spent years pouring my heart and soul into our backyard. It was my small slice of heaven: a verdant grass surrounded by vibrant flower beds that I had grown from seedlings. Gardening became my passion, a getaway, and a way to relax after a long day of educating cranky kids.

Every weekend and in my free moments, you might find me caring for my plants and watching them develop and bloom. It was more than simply a hobby; it kept me occupied, content, and sane.
What about Richard? He had different intentions for my sanctuary. It began innocently enough.
Richard cleared his throat one evening when we were finishing dinner. “Linda, Tom, I’ve been thinking.”
I exchanged a look with Tom. Richard’s remarks usually meant trouble.

“The backyard,” Richard explained, “it’s just sitting there. We should put in a pool.”
I almost choked on my water. “A pool? Richard, where would we even put it? The yard isn’t that big.”
He waved his hand dismissively. “We’ll make it fit. You know, I get bored when you two are at work. A pool would be perfect for me and my friends. Especially during these hot summer days.”

Tom, bless him, attempted to reason with his father. “Dad, Linda’s put a lot of work into the garden. You can’t just remove all the beautiful flowers there. Plus, a pool is a big expense and responsibility. I don’t think you can manage it.”
But Richard wouldn’t have it. For weeks, he would bring it up whenever possible. “Linda, imagine how nice it would be to cool off on hot days,” or “Tom, think of the pool parties we could have!”

I stood my ground. “Richard, I’m sorry, but it’s just not practical. The yard is too small, and I love my garden. I can’t let you dig up a pool there. It’s not happening.”
I assumed that was the end of it. But I was mistaken. This was just the beginning.
Tom and I decided to spend the weekend visiting my folks. It was a pleasant change from Richard’s incessant pool chatter. We departed early Saturday morning and planned to return Sunday evening.

As we drove into our driveway that Sunday after a wonderful day with my parents, I realized something was amiss. The front yard was a disaster, with muddy tire marks everywhere. My stomach lurched as we rounded the curve into the backyard.
I could not believe my eyes. Where my beautiful garden once stood, there was now a massive hole. Piles of dirt surrounded it, and most of my meticulously tended flowers had vanished.

Richard stood in the middle of it all, grinning as if he had just won the lottery.
“Oh, finally decided to come back, have you?” He sneered. “I’ve started the pool for you. No need to thank me.”
I was speechless. In contrast, Tom burst. “Dad! What the hell were you thinking? We told you not to do this!”
Richard simply shrugged. “You’ll thank me when it’s done. I got a great deal on the diggers.”
I could feel tears spring up in my eyes. My father-in-law destroyed all of my hard work in one weekend. Why didn’t he understand how much I adored my plants? Why did he damage my lovely garden?
When Tom noticed my quiet cries, he wrapped his arm around me and guided me inside.
“I’ll deal with him, Linda. Please don’t worry about it,” he said. “I won’t let him build a pool there. And your plants… I’ll hire a professional gardener and restore the backyard like you want it to be. Okay? Please don’t cry.”

The next morning, I awoke hoping that everything had been a horrible dream. However, one glimpse out the window showed that the nightmare was genuine. The diggers came back.
As they resumed their work, Karma decided to pay Richard a visit, which is when I noticed our neighbor, Mrs. Jensen, strolling her small dog Buster.
Mrs. Jensen was a stickler for rules and regulations, and she and Richard didn’t get along. To my amazement, she approached Richard with a beautiful smile on her face.

“Richard, darling,” she began, her voice dripping with phony sweetness, “did you know there are regulations about how close you can dig to a property line?”
Richard scoffed. “I know what I’m doing, Margaret. Mind your own business.”
Mrs. Jensen smiled wider. “Well, you should know the city inspector is a good friend of mine. Let me give him a call and see what he thinks.”
I observed as Richard’s face lost its color. Before he could argue, Mrs. Jensen had her phone out and was chatting.
An hour later, a city inspector arrived at our doorstep. He looked at the wreckage in our backyard and shook his head. “I’m sorry, sir, but this is completely against the code. You’re going to have to fill this in immediately.”
Richard exclaimed, “But… but…”
The inspector hadn’t finished. “And I’m afraid I’ll have to issue a fine for starting construction without proper permits.”
I could not believe it. Karma was real and was working overtime.
But wait! There’s more.

As the workers began to plug the hole, there was a loud snap. Suddenly, water gushed everywhere. It turned out that they had hit an ancient water pipe!
As a result, our backyard quickly became a muddy bog. A few minutes later, poor Richard stumbled and landed face first in the muck.
Tom and I remained on the porch, watching the commotion unfold. Richard was wet, coated head to toe in muck, and cursing at the contractors.
His favorite suit was damaged, and his ambitions of creating a garden sanctuary were practically dashed.
Richard was ultimately responsible for paying for everything, including the fine, pipe repairs, backyard repairs, and basement cleanup. It was a pricey lesson in respecting others’ property and adhering to rules.
After that day, Richard’s enthusiasm for house repair faded. He now spends the majority of his time quietly in his room.

Even mentioning the word “pool” causes him to grimace and exit the room.
My garden took some time, but I was able to replant the most of it. In a way, it’s better now. Every blossom feels like a modest win over Richard’s misguided aims.
Furthermore, Mrs. Jensen has become a close friend. When she notices me working in the garden, she gives me a wink and adds, “I hope no one’s digging up a pool in your backyard.”
Tom and I are still laughing about the whole situation. It has become our go-to story for dinner parties. “Did we ever tell you about the time Richard tried to build a pool?” Tom will begin, and our friends will settle in for the story.
Looking back, I am grateful for the experience. Not only did it teach Richard an important lesson, but it also drew Tom and I closer together. He remained beside me throughout the struggle, demonstrating that our partnership could withstand any storm.

So, if you ever have to deal with a problematic family member who doesn’t respect your limits, realize that karma is just around the corner, ready to make a splash.