Home News Dentists Explain What Those Black Triangles Are Between Your Teeth

Dentists Explain What Those Black Triangles Are Between Your Teeth

People spend thousands of dollars to have straight, white teeth by wearing braces, visiting the dentist regularly, and staying up to date on the latest oral health trends. However, no matter how carefully someone takes care of their teeth, things change as we age. For example, the small black triangles that occasionally form between teeth. Now, a UK dentist, Dr. Abdul Azizi, has described what they are and how they get there.

Part of an Expert Team

Dr. Azizi recently revealed that the small black triangles that appear are actually gaps that form between teeth. He goes on to explain that there are several causes for those bothersome tiny black triangles.

According to Experts

Black triangles generally form at the gum line and trap food or plaque buildup, making them darker or more visible.

The dentist said: “Black triangles between your teeth are not inherently dangerous but may be associated with oral health concerns, like gum disease or gum recession.” Continuing, they “are not necessarily a sign of poor hygiene” but can be caused by heredity, tooth shape, size, and placement.

He adds that they can occasionally suggest potential oral health issues and “may warrant dental attention for cosmetic or preventive reasons.” He explained. They should also be watched since, in some circumstances, the black triangles might form cavities.

Another important factor could be a “gum recession.” This happens when the gum tissue pulls away from the tooth, which is frequent as individuals age.

Bone loss is a typical cause of black triangles, as is periodontal disease, which causes more bone loss. Furthermore, in some situations, they may occur after treatments such as braces.

Another Black Triangle Expert

Alternatively, according to Anna Peterson, a famous dentist, those black triangles can be a favorable indicator, especially after post-periodontal surgery.

Peterson has also posted a video that addresses the black triangles. In her video, she notes that in some circumstances, the black triangles that appear between teeth at the gum line can indicate that “inflammation has reduced following periodontal treatment.”

Peterson also provides some useful tips for preventing black triangles from growing between teeth.

Preventing Black Triangles

Regardless of the cause, there are a few steps you can take to prevent black triangles from appearing. Dr. Peterson recommends cleaning in between teeth at least once every day.

This can be done with either floss or an interdental brush. Good dental hygiene is the most effective way to avoid gum disease and tooth decay; this includes brushing, flossing, and going to the dentist at least 1-2 times per year.

Treating Black Triangles

Meanwhile, Dr. Azizi says that existing black triangles can be corrected by an orthodontist. Gum grafting, veneers, and dental bonding are among the therapeutic options available.

Furthermore, several studies have found that employing hyaluronic acid therapy improves outcomes. However, due to little research on this procedure, it is unclear how long the treatment’s effects will persist.

The treatment kind will be determined by the severity of the black triangles. Unfortunately, life and time reduce our young and produce health and dental issues that, hopefully, can be mitigated with excellent hygiene and eating habits.