As Jordan carried the stroller through the cemetery, he could hear dry leaves crunching under his feet. It was the first anniversary of the d3ath of his wife Kyra, the mother of his triplets, whom he was now raising entirely on his own.
Every step towards Kyra’s resting place felt heavier than the last. Jordan, tears in his eyes, murmured, “We’re going to see Mama.”
His triplets were babies when their mother di:ed, and Jordan was heartbroken that they would not remember her love, devotion, and warmth.
Life was brutal, but he had his babies, who were the sole reason he persevered.
As they neared Kyra’s tomb, Jordan spotted a man in his fifties brushing the headstone that read: A twinkle in our eyes and hearts is now in the skies.
“Who could this man be?” Jordan wondered. His unease grew bigger when he finally got to Kyra’s resting place.
“You must be Jordan,” the man said. “Yes, and you are?” Jordan asked, confused.

The man introduced himself as Denis. He claimed to be Kyra’s old friend from Chicago.
“But she never mentioned someone named Denis,” Jordan thought to himself.
Denis approached the triplets. He observed their features and made comments about their appearance. His behavior was rather awkward, and it made Jordan uncomfortable.
“Listen,” Denis said, “these babies aren’t yours. I’m their real father.”
These words shattered Jordan’s world.
“You are young and have your whole life ahead of you. Give me the babies and start over,” Denis said and handed Jordan a check on $100,000.
Jordan froze and accused Denis of lying. Kyra could never lie to him.
But Denis knew too much about Kyra. He was aware of her liking for French cuisine, her allergies, and even the scar on her tight.

Jordan became afraid. Without saying anything, he grabbed the triplets and dashed to his car.
The drive home felt like an eternity. He struggled to absorb Denis’ remarks. How does he know so much about Kyra? Was he correct about the children? Could Kyra be unfaithful?
His head was buzzing with countless questions.
Jordan’s thoughts turned to the day he and Kyra first met. He worked as a bartender, and one day she strolled in and took his breath away. At first, she thought he was just a kind bartender.
But one evening, as he was leaving the bar, he noticed her crying. She had split up with her boyfriend, and Jordan consoled her. From that point forward, their bond grew stronger, and she eventually fell for him.
They were married when she disclosed she was pregnant. However, none of Kyra’s family members were present. Jordan never questioned what she told him about her parents’ d3ath.
Denis’ statements, particularly his awareness of Kyra’s scar, caused Jordan to rethink her feelings for him. He began to wonder if the triplets truly belonged to him or if Denis was lying.
Jordan had a hellish few days.

Even the notion of losing his triplets caused him to fear.
A week later, Denis called him. “What’s your decision? “I want my children,” he said. But Jordan was not going to give up without a fight.
“A father is someone who raises children and loves them unconditionally. “I will always be there, father.”
Denis paused briefly before suggesting they meet at a neighborhood cafe the next day. “Bring the babies with you,” he urged before hanging up the phone.
Jordan was terrified. What if Denis was the real father?
He went to Denis’ recommended cafe in the morning. When he entered, Denis was already waiting for him.
Without saying anything, he handed Jordan an old photo.
Jordan was confused. The young woman on the photo resembled Kyra, and the man next to her was obviously Denis. But there was also another woman on the photo.
“What’s this?” Jordan asked, his hands trembling as he held the photo.

“I’m sorry, Jordan,” Dennis said. “I’m not the father of the triplets, I’m their grandfather.”
“What!?” Jordan asked. “But how could this be? Kyra’s parents have died. “She told me that herself.”
It turns out that her father wasn’t. Unfortunately, their relationship was strained, and they had no communication. But after Kyra’s unexpected death, he wanted to meet her children.
“I know I shouldn’t have done that, Jordan,” Denis said, with tears in his eyes. “But I really want to be part of their lives. My daughter is no longer here, but her babies are. I regret not being the best father, but let me be a better grandfather.”
Jordan needed time to think about everything. He was mad Denis lied to him, but over time, he forgave him.
Despite the pain of the past, they were united by shared responsibility.