Home Health Neighbors park their SUV in her driveway: she retaliates by getting it...

Neighbors park their SUV in her driveway: she retaliates by getting it towed away

Neighbors park their SUV in her driveway: she retaliates by getting it towed away

Finding good neighbors is not easy: when moving into a new home, the reputation of the neighborhood must always be considered. Rude neighbors can make anyone’s life hell! The subject of this story knows something about this – a single mother of two children – who suddenly finds herself with the worst neighbors ever. When they move into her house next to hers, that’s when trouble begins for her.

The woman posted her long and controversial history with the new neighbors on Reddit, and the vast majority of users absolutely agreed with her opinion.

” Hello everyone. First thing is that this issue just happened this week and I am so mad that I am shaking as I type this. I am going to apologize up front if I ramble but I honestly can’t believe this actually happened. I’ve tried to condense this weeks activity into a single story but sadly, it turned out to be super long – sorry in advance. I think I have to put TLDR?”

It all seemed to have begun peacefully with “Jeleki2020” – the username chosen by the woman

– who welcomed, with a friendliness that distinguishes good people, her new neighbors: a dad, mom and two teenage children. That said, the woman is a very private person, who has only one car – unlike all her neighbors who have at least two or three. The new neighbors, for example, had as many as four cars. In any case and despite the number of vehicles around, everyone had always behaved well in parking their cars correctly, and without bothering others. The story changed as soon as these new neighbors arrived.

One day, the father of the two teenagers from the house next to “Jeleki2020” came knocking on the neighbor’s door with a strange request.

He stated that one of his kids had just turned 16, so they bought him a truck. The problem was that they didn’t have much space to park the car, so they asked the woman whether his son could park his truck in her driveway. The woman explained that she can’t allow his son to park it there because she uses this driveway and his car will block her way. The man was determined to convince her to allow him to use her driveway anyway, but the woman disagreed, pointing out that they bought a huge truck without thinking about where to park it. She ended the conversation by stating that she wouldn’t change her mind and she needed to get back to her sick kid.

However, the woman, shaken by the unusual request, sent an email to the hosts’ association (HOA) to inform them of what had just happened. She didn’t know if this action would help her neighbor’s problem, but she hoped it would. In the days that followed, the woman had to take her sick son to the hospital many times, and it was here that she had a fight with rude neighbors.

One day, while leaving the house to take her son to the doctor, she saw an SUV parked in her driveway blocking her way!

She went to her neighbor’s to solve the problem and once again reminded them that their son couldn’t park his car on her driveway, and if it happened again, she would get the car towed. While the woman was in the minor emergency room, she once again notified the HOA about the problem with the neighbors.

One day, as she was leaving the house to take her son to the doctor, she found the SUV parked in her driveway blocking her way! The woman flew into a rage and immediately ran over to knock on the door of the neighbors, who clearly showed they resented being interrupted while they were at the table having lunch.

“Your son parked the SUV in my driveway, I clearly told you he couldn’t do it, I have to take my son to the doctor and that vehicle is blocking my way!” the woman yelled at the neighbor who had ignored her refusal. The neighbor, however, insisted that the SUV was not blocking her way, but his son would nevertheless move the car immediately. The woman warned him that next time, if something like this happened again, she would call the police. Once again, the woman sent an email to notify the landlords association of the incident.

Unfortunately, the same episode was repeated one evening, when the woman returned home exhausted after spending several hours at the emergency room with her son. The SUV was parked in her driveway again. This time, however, the woman wanted to keep her promise and … she called a tow truck to remove the vehicle!

The woman shared that during the weekend, they spent a lot of time in the minor emergency room as well as picking up some prescriptions. After an exhausting day, the woman and her kids were headed back home where she again found the truck parked in her driveway. The woman kept her promise to call a tow truck if she found the car on her property again. It took 30 minutes for the truck to arrive and tow the car. The author of the post once again notified the HOA of this.

Thirty minutes later, the car was gone and the woman, in the meantime, advised the HOA again, by e-mail, about the incident. The next morning, as you can imagine, her neighbor knocked on her door asking her to get the car returned. Not happy with the woman’s response that she would not, the neighbor called the police. The woman, however, had all the evidence of what had happened to show the policeman: all the e-mails notifying the association, the photos and a video of when the neighbor had come to her door to ask her where his son’s car had gone. The conversation ended with the woman claiming that she would have to file a trespassing complaint.

All this was finally resolved with an appropriate $ 150 dollar fine for the neighbor’s son and a promise from him that he would no longer park his car in other people’s driveways. To round off the story, the neighbors have decided to replace the giant SUV with a smaller car, in order to make everyone’s life easier. The only positive note of this story is that the woman has found a new friend in one of her neighbors, who has proposed to help her in case similar incidents occur in the future. This person reminds her a little of her grandfather and she is very happy that, in the end, this horrible story “found her a relative”.

What would you have done if someone had invaded your property in this way?