Sometimes women make silly things (according to men) that drive them crazy and it’s vice versa as well. Of course both men and women do not make these things intentionally. Ladies, today we have listed out where woman go wrong that can piss off a guy.
Below are the things women do that annoy men

1. Trying to change him
First things first, nobody should change anybody while in a relationship. We all have our perfections and flaws. There is no human being in this planet who will respond well to being treated like something that needs remodeling.
A woman who tries to change a man to fit her needs won’t get far into a relationship with him. If neither side can accept one another for who they really are, they shouldn’t be in a relationship even to begin with.
2. Jealousy & Obsessiveness
This trait seems to top the list of characteristics that men consider intolerable. It’s embarrassing to get persistent calls all the time at work or when you’re with friends. It’s extremely tiring having to justify what you’re doing all the time and dealing with a spouse or girlfriend’s jealousy.
3. Extreme talkers
Repeating the same stuff makes guys go bonkers. Many a times women tend to speak on the topic they like. But that’s not the problem; the problem only arises when they forget the length and repetition of the topic as well. It will be better to understand what your male friend is interested in and involve them as well.
4. Fault-finding
Women who see fault in everything (because, of course, they are the only ones who can do anything right). They talk bad about other people all of the time and spend hours detailing other people’s faults. Yeah, it may make them feel more superior, but saying rude things about other people doesn’t make you seem more interesting.
5. Being Clingy- Hello, Hey, Please Message, Where are you? There?
Being clingy irritates the guys the most If you call him, text him, show up often then you must stop it now, as over doing can make him bored and jaded and piss him off too.
6. Comparing him to your ex
A lot of women do this. It’s a natural occurrence but it is a conversation you should only be having with yourself or your best friend.
There is no man in this world who enjoys hearing about an ex of a woman he cares for, let alone being compared to him. Avoid doing this. Leave your ex in the past because that’s where he belongs, especially when you are in a new relationship.
7. Drama
When women turn every situation into a major problem, dramatize, and make a “mountain out of a molehill” over everything tiny thing, it becomes very tiresome. Women who are constantly overly emotional, cry all the time, and always take the role of drama queen are exhausting.
8. Seeking too much attention
It’s natural to want attention from a man but some women want just a bit too much of it. She expects her man to dedicate all of his space and time to her. So she wants to text 24/7, she expects to see him every day and for him not to have a life besides her.
And that’s the fastest way to lose a guy. A woman who acts ike this is perceived as clingy and annoying.
9. Dismissing
Women who dismiss their husband’s feelings bring a lots of distress to their lives. You can’t solve problems that way. When a man feels like he is being misinterpreted or ignored, his mood gets worse and he distances himself. This is a dangerous and vicious cycle in a relationship.
10. When you constantly worry about future: Your guy might be shouting lets live the present.
Men would like to live in the moment and also think about future constantly worrying and cribbing how the future would be will surely bother him and make him sad too. So keep your thoughts to yourself if you still think future is important but try and not include your partner every time.