Ladies, sometimes you have to learn the hard way what you don’t want in a significant other, but eventually you get to the point where you’re a lot more comfortable being single than being in a bad relationship. Usually that shift comes when you realize you’re a catch and you stop wasting your time on jerks who don’t deserve you.As soon as you see them for what they are, you’ll be on to bigger and better things. Here are 9 types of guys who aren’t worth your time

1. The Seducer
This type of person takes on the persona of who he thinks “you” want him to be. He is a slippery character, and you cannot take what he says as true. If it seems like it is TOO good to be true, it probably isn’t; what he says about you and himself is not sincere.
2. Guys Who Is Just Using You Until Something Better Comes Along
Does he change the subject any time you bring up the future and where you relationship is going? He doesn’t want to be single, so he’s treating you like a placeholder until the real love of his life comes along. You’re under no obligation to keep him company until he finally decides to dump you.
3. The “Fake Giver”
Have you met those people who seem to want very little for you but seem to enjoy giving? People like this may be authentic, but a good relationship is about give and take. And those who give too much usually become resentful or are like martyrs. Time to see which one you are involved with.
4. The Liar
Sometimes when the overall package looks good–good job, good family, good friends–we may overlook the “little lies” that come from them. Actually, there is no such thing as a “little lie.” A lie is a lie, is a lie, is a lie. If someone distorts the truth, he can’t be trusted. Never push that fact under the rug.
5. The Cheater
Cheaters don’t know how great they have it until they completely screw it up. Or they just don’t care. Either way, you can do better.
6. Guys Who Don’t Respect You
There are plenty of subtle ways a guy can show he respects you including trusting your opinion, and caring about your feelings. If he doesn’t do those things, why would you want to date him anyway?
7. Men Who Don’t Listen To You
A guy who has no interest in your opinion will just pretend to listen to you. If he doesn’t care about anything you have to say then he doesn’t care about getting to know you, and that’s just a waste of everyone’s time.
8. The Withholder
Why does being in a relationship with this person feel like you are trying to get them to do things they don’t want to? That’s because they don’t really care about how you feel. The sooner you become aware of that, the better.
9. The “Too Busy to …”
Someone who is always busy is a red flag. People who really want to be there for you are. When you feel like they are at the top of your list, but you are on the bottom of theirs, take that as an indication that you are NOT important to them. Move on; you will meet someone who will see how special you are and treat you that way.