Dear men, a woman willingly leaves you even if you are the person she loves the most because of these things

1. Lack of communication
Women need someone to talk to, it’s impractical for a guy to be by her side all the time but if you are absent most of the time, you are giving her one less of a reason to hold on. If you are not with her every time she needs you, it’s like practically asking her to move on.
2. You have nothing in common anymore
At the beginning of a relationship everything is new. We go in bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, completely infatuated with that person for relatively simple reasons. But as these relationships mature, you need to have some form of common ground or common interests to help keep you both engaged with each other. There will come a point where you know all of each other’s past stories and experience, so you need something to build future stories together.
3. They feel alone
A woman needs to feel that she matters. If her man is not there to support her, there is no reason for her to continue a relationship. Women are nurturers and because of this, when they are in a relationship, they focus their entire being on the man they love. By contrast, men tend to detach quickly when they get comfortable (even in a relationship). For a woman dealing with the loneliness of being with someone who is not emotionally present, the noise is deafening. She might wake up one day and realize she does not deserve that feeling of worthlessness that keeps coming up through the avoidance she feels.
4. Selfishness takes over
You are more invested into activities that please you, the less time you give her, the more distorted she starts to feel about the relationship. We women want to be a priority, we don’t want to be treated as a convenience. If you want to be left alone, she will show resistance to a certain extent, after that she will seriously consider that you should be left alone for good. There is no “I” in a relationship.
5. You lack maturity
A woman needs someone who they can respect, not some man who has failed to abandon his childish habits. A woman wants someone who can stand up to his responsibilities. There is nothing great in having a man who still makes stupid decisions with his friends every now and then, or gets his mother’s opinion on everything he wants to do. Long term relationships require maturity, and a woman will look for that in her partner.
6. You don’t give her personal space
It could be simply that you live together and have fallen into a routine where you don’t seek out extracurricular activities. You get so used to each other’s presence that you’re completely used to being two people instead of one person sharing time with another. Another reason you haven’t had, or haven’t given, personal space is because you/they are too codependent. If you can’t handle the thought of your partner doing things without you or you doing things without them, you need to at least ask yourself why?
7. Too many lies in your relatioship
Everyone lies every once in a while. Is it okay to lie? Well, no, not at all. It’s not acceptable to lie to the person you love, your relationship is built on the trust you have between the two of you and you’re just throwing it out of the window by lying to your partner. One way or the other, they will eventually find out that you lied and that’ll be the end of your relationship (or at least, the trust they had for you will never be the same). When you lie to someone once, you’ll lie to them again.