We live in an age where individuals are more likely than ever to criti:cize others based on their looks. Unsurprisingly, this occurs much too frequently online, where people may say anything they want without fear of retribution or judgment, secure behind a computer screen that is often hundreds of miles away from the people or persons they are critic:izing.
Celebrities are among the most typical targets of such persons. Living in the public eye has its downsides, the most obvious of which is that one is vulnerable to criticism and remarks from people they’ve never met.
Just ask Carrie Underwood, who has just returned from a fly fishing excursion in Montana. After posting images from her vacation on social media, the 41-year-old received a lot of reaction. And not all of it was favorable.
When Carrie Underwood, the winner of the fourth season of American Idol in 2005, publishes photos on Instagram, you can bet your last dollar that they will draw attention.
After all, she’s ascended to become one of today’s most popular country music performers, with over 13 million followers on social media.
With that in mind, she could have been forgiven for expecting a flood of comments when she posted a photo carousel commemorating a recent fishing trip in Montana.
What she might not have expected was that most of the attention in the comments section would be on her teeth. That example, many people speculated about whether she had recent dental treatment.
“Ok, all I see is her huge white dentures,” one user said.
Another commented, “She does look different. Still incredibly stunning! Did she have her teeth done? Not putting her down, just curious.”
A third went a step further, accusing Underwood of undergoing “so much surgery”: “I think she is great but [in] all honesty I can’t recognize her. She is and always has been so naturally beautiful. So much surgery here and new teeth maybe???? ?”
This does NOT look like Carrie one bit,” chimed a fourth.

“She looks great but I won’t lie I miss how she looked … I can’t tell what all she changed … again still beautiful no negativity I just grew up watching her so change is hard lol ?,” added a fifth.
Readers may recall that the 41-year-old tumbled down the steps outside her home in 2017, sustaining injuries to her face and wrist. The diva tried her best to conceal the severity of her injuries, but gossip magazines claimed that she had to undergo extensive reconstructive surgery.
In a prior interview with Women’s Health, Underwood confessed that she had braces as a teenager, but also admitted that her teeth had moved as a result of not using her retainer.
“I went to an orthodontist because I had one tooth that was bothering me… “It’s a minor issue, but it’ll only get worse, so let’s fix it now,” she told the magazine.