Home relationship Grown Women Will Find These Traits Seriously Attractive In Men

Grown Women Will Find These Traits Seriously Attractive In Men

Grown Women Will Find These Traits Seriously Attractive In Men

1. Handiness

Grown women love a man who not only can fix things but who also want to fix things for them. Not because he thinks women are helpless but because he wants to help and make things better for the woman he loves.

2. Generosity (especially with massages)

A man who is willing to get his hands oily and sore is a great man. Women tend to take on too much, and therefore, all that tension lives in their bodies. They are just waiting for the right man to “knead it out.”

3. Supportiveness

Ladies, a man who shows up for you and is present in your life when things are messy and dirty is a damn good man.

The guy that shows up when your car breaks down. The guy that holds you when your dog dies and you’re a mess. The guy that feeds you soup when you’re sick. This is attractive. This is a man who is unselfish and giving. We women love it. Bad boys will never be there. They will have excuses.

4. Authenticity

If he is honest with you about who he is, what his flaws are, and in return is honest with you about your flaws and doesn’t hold back from you, he’s a good guy. And it’s sexy.

5. Romantic

Not every guy can be “Mr. Romantic.” But all good men try to be romantic as best as they can be when in love with you. For one guy, this may be taking you on a walk.

Good men make the effort. Bad boys don’t. They’re selfish and don’t care about setting the stage for anything other than things that please their own interests.

6. Forgiving

Good guys forgive you for your flaws and when fights happen, as they always do, he forgives you, lets it go, and moves on. You never feel threatened or afraid he will leave or hold it over your head.

Good men don’t do that. They don’t make threats. They don’t hold your “mistakes” over your head. They let it go unless they’re really serious insults that you should be accountable for.