Everyone can recall that overwhelmingly ideal feeling of being with their partner over the first year of their relationship. Your heart would race every time they would call, you couldn’t wait to see them after work, and you both had the energy to go out and do things together even after long days at work.
Fast-forward to the present, and you’re now finding it hard to believe you ever really felt like that – you’re exhausted and just want to be alone after work, barely saying hello or exchanging a hug or a kiss when you come home. Little fights that you both would have dismissed in your first stages of dating turn into the silent treatment from one party to the other. Deep down, you wonder if your relationship is crumbling.
While the honeymoon phase may seem a distant memory, there is a way to replicate it and bring back that passion to your relationship. If you’re at your wit’s end on how to make your relationship feel like it did long ago, here are a few tips to turn it around today!

1. Spontaneity
In the beginning of a new relationship, it’s all about being spontaneous. As your relationship goes on, so does your routine. Routines are great, but you two need to spice up the spontaneity. Don’t you remember that you used to go for ice cream just because? Or you went for road trips just for fun. Make time and efforts for such moments.
2. Kiss
In the start it was like you couldn’t keep your hands off of each other, or your lips. As the relationship grows, unfortunately, the making out starts to fade. Well bringing back those days will do the trick, just start acting like love sick teenagers and kiss each other whenever you can!
3. Reminiscence
The best way is to sit and talk about the time spent together, the memories made. Or maybe you can recreate those moments and relive them!
4. Date Differently
Romantic dates are turning into simple movie dates? turn it around and plan differently, go for something you have not done like try different food together or go for an adventure or some sport that you have not done.
5. Spice Up the Bedroom
Let your wild side show again and add flavours to your s*x life just like you did in the beginning of the relation.
6. Words
Words hold a strong power that can do wonders for your relation. remember how you used to express yourself in the start of the relation? Start doing that again, tell your partner how you feel after spending so many years with them and how much more they mean to you.
7. Check In During the Day
Earlier you used to check in with your partner like all the time, that what are they doing, when are they coming home, but now ?? Start doing that again, it will express your love and make them feel special, they will know that you care.
References: lifecrust.com, opendoorstofuturepossibilities.org