To have his wife be a size zero, this man t.o.r.t.u.r.e.d, starved her and didn’t even spare her during her pregnancy.
Getting married is a commitment, a promise of love, trust, and safety. However, this woman’s marriage turned into a nightmare the moment she said “I do” at the altar. The nightmare comes from the man who vowed to love and adore her.
Catherine Hartley, 31, from Perceton, Irvine was “starved” by her bad husband for 12 years just because he wanted her to be a size zero. As a result, this woman was so thin that she could fit into clothes designed for seven-year-old girls.

Catherine Hartley and her husband met when he was 25 and she was just 15 years old. The woman mentioned that he courted her by buying her cigarettes and alcohol. After that, in October 2006, the couple got married and for 12 years, Catherine was stuck in a cycle of pain when her husband did everything to forcefully make her lose weight. “I was very young when I met him and one of the things he did was to groom me. His controlling behavior started the moment I said ‘I do.'”, Catherine said.
Catherine mentioned that her husband began to control every aspect of her life including what she was allowed what in her diet. The awful man didn’t let her eat because he did not want to have a “fat wife” and stopped her from eating properly. As a result, she weighed as little as 70lbs (five stone) at one point of time. “He said I was fat so he put me on a diet. He wanted a size 0 wife.”, she said.
She continued to explain, “If I ate before I went to bed, he forced me to sleep on the sofa as he didn’t like the smell of food on me. I ended up so thin that when I lay down on the mattress my bones hurt. In the end, I was wearing a girl’s age-seven clothes.”
But his cruelty didn’t stop there. Catherine shared he also grabbed her by the neck and lifted her from her feet. He even threw her across the room on another occasion.
Another bad incident was Catherine’s complete humiliation. When having caught her smoking, he pulled off her gown and pushed her on the balcony.
That was not enough when her husband even installed CCTV cameras in every room of the house to keep an eye on her all the time. Catherine said: “He wanted to control me and installed CCTV in every room in our house, even in our bedroom, so he could watch me on his phone. Matthew knew how much I loved my family and would often say he would pay one million pounds just to break my sister’s jaw. He terrified me and he took pleasure in tor.turing me because he had nothing better to do with his time,”
Even when she was pregnant in 2012, Matthew didn’t even spare her. She recalled, “I had back pain during my pregnancy and once, when I asked him to rub my back, he kicked me off the bed, telling me again I was disgusting and fat,”
Finally, the couple separated in August 2017 before they divorced in April 2019. After being separated, Catherine called the police and reported her husband for his behavior.
Matthew was called to court and pleaded guilty to three counts at Kilmarnock Sheriff’s Court in April in relation to his wife. He also pleaded guilty concerning another woman. However, things took a turn for the worse when Catherine found out that he did not receive a custodial sentence but was instead given a community payback order with 12 months’ supervision as well as being told to sign on the s.ex o.ff.e.n.d.e.r.s’ register for a year.
Catherine said, “He was supposed to be punished but walked away with a slap on the wrists.”
“He is a danger to women and he is free to do what he did to me to someone else. He was manipulative, twisted, v.i.o.l.e.n.t and controlling. My life was like the horror film Sleeping with the Enemy. If the bathroom towels weren’t hanging perfectly straight he would go crazy. I was his p.r.i.s.o.n.e.r for 12 years, I practically served a life sentence and all he got was a slap on the wrists. It’s like what happened to me doesn’t matter.”, she added.
Source: Dailymail, msn, mirror, dailyrecord, womenworking