At the age of 70, she was a virgin! Look at how she looks!
Even though she hasn’t experienced physical pl_easure, Pam Shaw declares herself a happy woman!
Virgin at 70
Pam Shaw is a British woman who can boast of something less common: she’s a virgin! Pam lives happily in Wigan, and recently, she even did a fashion photoshoot right at her own home!
How can we explain the fact that she hasn’t lost her virginity at an age when other women already have grandchildren?

Pam is a cabaret singer and has focused on her career most of her life, so she didn’t have time for a long-term relationship.
And she doesn’t believe in s_e_x before marriage, so an af_fair was out of the question.
Now she says she’s ready to take the big step, but her standards are quite high. She wouldn’t give away her virginity except to a tall and brunette millionaire…