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Meet Kevin Bacon: From Living on $150 a Month to Farm Life with His Family

Kevin Bacon, the famous and gorgeous 65-year-old actor, has had quite a career in the film industry.

He even won a Golden Globe for one of his HBO ventures. Prior to his television career, Bacon had never seen any of his own performances.

In a recent interview, Bacon admitted that he had qualms about working in television. He told me, “If my agent had called me and said, ‘I think you should do a series,’ I would have fired my agent.” However, his wife, actress Kyra Sedgwick, persuaded him to reconsider.

Bacon expressed how much he enjoyed working with Sedgwick on their program and attended award ceremonies together.

He told me, “You know, when I started to see her film work… and it’s like barely recognizable, and to me, that was what I had always envisioned being an actor was, to be able to put on these different hats and become different people.” Bacon was inspired by Sedgwick’s ability to morph into different roles, just like Meryl Streep.

Let us go back to 1976, when Bacon relocated from his homeland of Philadelphia to New York.

He had previously visited the city with his sister, but this time he was making a permanent move. He initially remained with his sister, but when he finally secured his own place, he only had $150 for the month.

He said, “I don’t know where I got the math on that, but that’s…what I had decided.” He came upon an advertisement in The Village Voice for an apartment that catered to artists, actresses, and musicians. It ended up being a flophouse, but it was all he could afford. For four years, Bacon and a pianist shared a leased office.

Despite his difficult living situation, Bacon’s acting career flourished, and he changed his life for good.

He met Kyra Sedgwick on the production of the 1987 film “Lemon Sky.” Bacon fell in love at first sight, but Sedgwick was not immediately smitten.

However, Bacon’s tenacity paid off, and they went on their first date. They had a great time, laughing for hours throughout a romantic supper. Sedgwick recognized Bacon was destined for her, and they’ve been one other’s strongest supporters and fans ever since.

They raised two children, Travis and Sosie, who are now in their thirties.

Bacon relished his role as a father and worked hard to inculcate in his children honesty, integrity, and concern for the world and others. As Sedgwick puts it, “A sense of humor is essential.” He is quite funny.”

Bacon currently lives on a farm with his family. Bacon’s journey, from humble beginnings on a small budget to Hollywood fame, has inspired many.