A mom has recently asked the netizens for advice after her son’s teacher constantly gets his name wrong, even after 2 years of teaching him. This anonymous woman took to a popular parenting forum named Mumsnet to ask other moms and dads what they thought about her situation.
The woman titled her post “Am I being unreasonable to expect my son’s teacher to get his name right?”
She wrote in the post: “My son has had the same teacher for 2 consecutive years – and she still spells his name wrong. It’s not just spelled incorrectly – it’s a different name. He gets quite upset about it. I have pointed out the mistake multiple times but had his school report and it’s typed wrong again on it.
“It’s not a hard name either. He’s only got another few weeks of her, should I just let it go, or do I send her another email?”

Many parents responding said that the mom wasn’t unreasonable and that she should email again since it’s unacceptable of the teacher to continue to get his name wrong after it has already been brought up.
“Send it. That’s terrible,” and a second added: “Send it. Really poor that the teacher doesn’t know his name after 2 years.” One mom wrote.
Another commented: “I would probably be bloody-minded enough to send back the report and say they have given you someone else’s report, as it doesn’t have your son’s name on it. But, I can be a stubborn b***er!”
Another person who is also a teacher said that what she did was “really awful.” She wrote: “Surely the report should have been proofread and that error pointed out…that is really awful! I would definitely contact them to tell them again and this is coming from a teacher, but I am a stickler for getting names right.”
After that, the frustrated mom added: “I have already spoken to her about it, plus emailed her tagging in the headteacher too. I always correct the name on his reading record etc too and underline it in red so she must see that. It’s primary school years 4 and 5.
“Prior to this, he had another teacher who always spelled it correctly. It’s honestly not a difficult name. It’s typed on his report but written on other things that come home.
“It’s upsetting him each time he shows me something with the wrong name on. He’s even told her himself that it’s wrong. I did wonder if she’s deliberately doing it to upset me.”

One parent said the teacher’s actions could be labeled as b.u.l.l.y.i.n.g the woman’s child…
They said: “That’s verging on bullying your child – you’ve pointed it multiple times and ways and he’s pointed it out and she’s blatantly ignoring you and upsetting a child she has pastoral responsibility for.
“For a primary teacher that’s outrageous – she’s had thirty children for 2 years, there’s absolutely no excuse. Doesn’t matter what his name is, she should make the effort to learn and remember it – the fact that she hasn’t means she’s either incredibly stupid, very lazy, or deliberately winding you up. Complain, in writing – not in a ‘pointing it out cc the headteacher’ way, in a ‘formal written complaint I expect a proper response to’ way.”
Although there were some outraged comments, some parents thought she was overreacting…
“I’d say let it go in secondary school. Teachers have hundreds of kids’ names to remember and it is really tricky. I have two utterly wonderful girls in one of my classes and I still get them mixed up. They always get an apology and luckily for me are very forgiving.”, another teacher commented.
Source: https://twentytwowords.com/