A 60-year-old woman wrote to our editorial a dramatic story about her family. She shared how her daughter-in-law often made fun of her, insulted, and mocked her. But this clever woman taught her daughter-in-law an important lesson.
A 60-year-old widow named Andrea shared her emotional story. Her husband, Alex, pas:sed away three years ago. Her son, Robert, is 30 years old and very successful, with a nice house, a fancy car, and a good income. Andrea was worried he was too busy
with work to have a family, but he had a girlfriend named Jessica, who was 28.
Andrea wrote, “They were together for a year before Robert introduced Jessica to me and asked for my blessing because they were engaged. I was upset that they got engaged before I even met her, but I kept quiet because Robert is an adult.”
Their first meeting didn’t go as Andrea hoped. Jessica showed up, bragging about her education and background. Andrea stayed mostly silent, but she knew her son’s choice was wrong. Andrea said, “Jessica didn’t love my son; she loved his money and the lifestyle he provided. When I asked if she wanted kids, she laughed and said, ‘You must be joking, Andrea! I want to enjoy life, and kids would ruin it!’
Andrea never told Robert how she felt about Jessica. Jessica was sweet around Robert but rude to Andrea when he wasn’t there. Andrea hoped Robert would realize his mistake on his own.

A week before the wedding, Jessica came over to pick up one of her three wedding dresses. Andrea asked if three dresses were really necessary, especially since neither Jessica nor her parents were paying for the wedding—Robert was paying for everything. Jessica got angry. When Robert left the room, Jessica insulted Andrea, calling her an “uneducated, shallow person” and saying she was ashamed of her. She even said Andrea shouldn’t come to the wedding.
Andrea kept attending the wedding. She decided to make a speech, not to celebrate, but to teach Jessica a lesson. Andrea, as the groom’s mom, took the microphone and said, “Today, my son is getting married. As his mom, I should be letting him go. But as his boss, I’m saying that I’m firing him. I don’t approve of his choice because his new wife has hu:milia:ted me many times.”
Everyone was in sh0ck. Jessica was furious and started questioning Robert. That’s when Robert revealed that Andrea was actually the chairperson of the company he worked for. After Alex died, Andrea took over the business and became Robert’s boss.
Hearing how Jessica had treated his mom, Robert was surprised. When he confronted Jessica, she denied it but then said something rude about Andrea’s education. Robert was upset by her remark and called off the wedding. Jessica was enraged and showed her true colors, insulting Robert as well, but she was asked to leave.
Now, Robert and his mom are working together, running Alex’s company. Robert is dating someone new, and Andrea hopes she won’t have to teach any more lessons. She just wants her son to be happy.