Home Life Never Ask The Man Who Loves You These 10 Things

Never Ask The Man Who Loves You These 10 Things

Never Ask The Man Who Loves You These 10 Things

In every relationship, there are questions asked simply to fill the silence, in the heat of the moment, there are questions that are used to wound and there are always questions asked to eased one person’s anxiety about the relationship. However, psychologically speaking, there are some questions which can be harmful to your guy and harmful to your relationship. Here are ten questions you should never ask the man who loves you:

1. “What’s wrong with you? Why are you always doing that?”

It’s never a good idea to make a negative judgment or a blanket condemnation of your partner. All that does is reinforce the exact negative behaviors you’re trying to change because your judgments incentivize them to isolate from you.

2. Do you really love me?

You might say this out of insecurity, but this could make him insecure. If he feels like he’s showing his love and you ask him this, he’ll start to reflect on what he did wrong so you think he might not really love you.

3. Am I hotter than XYZ?

If you must know if another woman has got it more than you, literally anyone else around you is a better fit to ask than the guy you are dating. You will either end up digging the conversation into uncomfortable depths, or he avoids the awkwardness altogether and says what he thinks you’d like to hear.

I don’t know about you, but anything slaps less if I get the sense it’s not coming from a sincere place. But what more can you expect from a question with no correct answer? PS: even if you are hotter than the said person, you still lose several points for being insecure enough to ask in the first place.

4. If you had to choose between me and … who would you choose?

This may sound like a very childish question, but a lot of people say it’s a joke. Why do you even want to make them think about that? This puts him in a very uncomfortable position. You never force him to choose.

5. Why are you so emotional?

If your guy has a soft side, don’t pick at it. Chances are, he’s heard it all before, and he’s really subconscious about it. Don’t make him like he’s less than a man.

6. Why don’t you ever listen to anything I have to say?

Chances are he’s already listening to you more than he cares about. This can make him defensive because he really spends a lot of time listening to you.

7. Why did it take you so long to call me back?

This question will put pressure on him in the future. If he sees your call and can’t get to it, it will stress him out because he knows you’re going to get upset. Why do that to him?

8. Why do you keep doing that?

Everyone has little tics. Some people blink oddly at times or stick their tongue out while they’re concentrating. Whatever it is your guy does, it isn’t on purpose to upset you. Don’t make him insecure by pointing this unconscious tic.

9. Why can’t you just relax?

If he’s anxious or stressed about something, all he wants to do is relax; however, he won’t be able to until what the problem was has been fixed. Don’t make him feel more anxious about being wound up.

10. Why don’t you lose some weight?

This is extremely tactless and will make him insecure. If his weight becomes a issue, approach the issue as a concerned party, not as a someone who is judging him.

11. Have you ever considered shaving your back/ chest etc.?

If your man is hairy, that is just the way his body works. If you act like you find it unattractive, he may think you find him unattractive.
