It seems that Food banks and the initiatives they support is an essential part of our societies. That is because they help the people who have stumbled into hard times or are less than fortunate. The first food bank was established more than 50 years ago, back in 1967.
Since then, the concept of donating food to those less fortunate has become a backbone in many communities. Food pantries are on a smaller scale than banks, but basically they function in conjunction. A pantry is supplied with food by the food bank, and after that people can receive their essentials from the local pantry operation.
However, you cannot just chuck things at the food pantry (or food bank) and hope something sticks. That is because your good will might end up causing more problems than it solves. So, it is necessary to know what is welcome as donations to food banks. That’s where the internet comes in.
It turns out that there are dos and don’ts when it comes to donating to food banks.

Apparently, someone compiled a list of items which will always be welcomed by food banks. Originally, the list appeared on Facebook, and the Twitter user Piney Mantilla (a former pantry worker) confirmed that the list is accurate and very useful as it depicts what items people can donate without a doubt that they will be rejected.
This Facebook account shared a list of welcome donations to food pantries/banks.

It addition to food and meals, you can donate many other products are on the list as well.

The post made many netizens moved and people were quick to offer their own opinions and suggestions.

How about you? What do you think?