Home Health Stop doing these 3 common things, you are ᴅᴇsᴛʀᴏʏɪɴɢ your brain gradually

Stop doing these 3 common things, you are ᴅᴇsᴛʀᴏʏɪɴɢ your brain gradually

When it comes to our health, we don’t always think about nurturing our brains the way we nourish our bodies. But to be our most productive self, we need to do more of what improves our brain health, and less of what causes cognitive decline. Start by stop doing these things, your brain will thank you

1. Not Getting Enough Sleep.

According to “Everyday Health”, The mental effects of not getting enough sleep can be more difficult to see than the physical effects of not getting enough sleep. Most of the bad things that happen when you don’t get enough sleep are caused by not getting enough sleep.

People who don’t get enough sleep have a bad mood and can’t remember or learn new things.

2. Earphones or headphones can be used to play loud music.

If you listen to full volume on your headphones for just 30 minutes, you can permanently damage your hearing. Some brain disorders, like Alzheimer’s disease, have been linked to hearing loss in older people.

The reason might be that your brain is working so hard to figure out what’s going on around you that it can’t remember what you’ve heard. So turn it down to no more than 60% of the maximum level on your device and only listen for a few hours at a time.

3. A lot of smoking.

According to “Healthline”, The more you smoke, the more likely it is that your brain will shrink, which isn’t good. Is bad for your memory and makes you twice as likely to get dementia, like Alzheimer’s, as someone who doesn’t do this. People who have heart disease, diabetes, a stroke, and high blood pressure all have it because it makes them sick.

References: businessinsider.com, filasconews.com