Home Health The Leaves That Can Extremely 100% Stop Your Hair Loss And Make...

The Leaves That Can Extremely 100% Stop Your Hair Loss And Make It Grow Like Crazy!

Excessive hair loss can be a troublesome problem, often causing worry and affecting self-esteem, especially for women. However, if detected soon, you can control hair fall with certain home remedies that are natural and effective in saving your locks. Today we will share with you one natural remedy from a miracle kind of leaf: guava leaf.


Growing in abundance at your friendly neighborhood park, guava leaves have a miraculous ability to stop hair loss and make it grow back with vigor, believe scientists. Owing to their richness in vitamin B, an important vitamin for hair growth, guava leaves are a boon for those suffering year round hair loss. Also, the guava leaves are most effective in improving the platelet count of a Dengue patient.


Growing aplenty in your colony, a guava leaf potion is actually even simpler to make. Take about a handful of guava leaves and boil them in a litre of water for about 20 minutes, till the benefits of the guava leaves have been soaked up by the water.

Allow the potion to cool down completely at room temperature. Strain the leaves and bottle the decoction you can use from time to time on the scalp and roots of your hair like a tonic.

You can take a palm full of it and massage on your scalp. Keep it on for a few hours before washing it off. You can even massage it to your hair and let it stay overnight. Wear a shower cap or a towel when you go to sleep, and then rinse off first thing in the morning. The vitamin B component in guava leaves helps strengthen the roots and hair follicles, and checks hair fall.

Kiss hair loss a final goodbye. Grow back a shiny mane with the brilliant guava leaves!

Reference: www.wellordie.com