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These 5 Text Messages Might Mean Your Partner Is Chᴇᴀting On You. Be Attentive!

These 5 Text Messages Might Mean Your Partner Is Chᴇᴀting On You. Be Attentive!

These text can give PTSD [Buzzfeed]
1. I fell asleep

This is usually a blanket excuse for many terrible acts. How can you be talking to someone and they fall asleep only to wake up by noon? This can be followed by lies like, “I was so tired” .

2. My battery died

Many chᴇᴀting people use this sentence when the ‘I fell asleep’ excuse isn’t working. This is even more effective when they put off their phone or their phones are in flight mode or DND. I fell asleep, and my battery died are an effective combination when you go out. They are trying to reach you, but they can’t because you are out chᴇᴀting or maybe your battery actually died, but they can’t believe you because of PTSD.


3. I can’t pick right now

What is the reason for not picking up your call? Even if it’s noisy or dark, you can still pick. If you are refusing to pick up your call, perhaps you are with someone or in a place where they can’t talk. Always pick up your partner’s calls to allay their fears or step out to talk to them if it’s noisy. If you are too busy, call as soon as possible.

4. I’m out with friends

They are male or female? What are you all doing? And when will you be back? Being out with friends is code for ‘We are about to do something wild and we would regret it later.’

5. He/she is just a friend

If your partner tell you this, that’s super suspicious because all that means is they are close and fond of each other.