Home Health This Is The World’s #1 Food For Hypertension, Heart Attack, Stroke and...

This Is The World’s #1 Food For Hypertension, Heart Attack, Stroke and Cholesterol!

This Is The World’s #1 Food For Hypertension, Heart Attack, Stroke and Cholesterol!

Dates are ones of the healthiest fruits you can consume, as they are rich in beneficial ingredients that treat various health issues, including hypertension, heart attacks, strokes, and high cholesterol.

They also accelerate the metabolism. Here are 8 of their health benefits:

1. Dates are rich in iron

Dates contain great amounts of iron, which is especially useful for those people who suffer from anemia, for children and for pregnant women. It is sufficient to consume 100 grams of dates per day, which mainly contain 0.9 mg of iron. It is about 11 % of the recommended daily intake of iron. The iron has also beneficial effects on the red blood cells and hemoglobin, mainly supporting the flow of oxygen through the blood.

2. Dates prevent diarrhea

Dates are high in potassium, which prevents diarrhea by the healthy bacteria and thus relieving the belly flora and the intestines.

3. Dates regulate cholesterol

Dates are also useful for the regulation of the unhealthy cholesterol or known as LDL, because they cleanse the blood vessels and prevent any blood clots

4. Dates regulate blood pressure

Dates are high in potassium and contain no sodium, so they are perfect in the case of hypertension. Moreover, 5-6 dates contain 80 mg of magnesium, which boosts the blood flow and is spread through the blood vessels. To reduce blood pressure, you need about 370 mg of magnesium.

5. Dates for anemia

These fruits are a rich source of iron, so they are extremely useful in the case of anemia, pregnancy, and for children. 100 grams of dates daily will provide 0.9 mg of iron, which is about 11 % of the recommended daily intake of iron.

Iron has a beneficial effect on the red blood cells and hemoglobin and helps the oxygen flow through the blood.

6. Dates prevent strokes

The high potassium content in these fruits enhances the nervous system and prevents strokes. Hence, the daily intake of 400 mg of potassium successfully prevents strokes.

7. Dates for heart health

Soak the dates in water during the night, and in the morning eat them or add them to your smoothie to support heart health.

8. Dates soothe constipation

Dates are extremely useful in the case of constipation. You should keep them in some water overnight, and then drink the water in the morning to help digestion, and use their mild laxative properties.

9. Dates help weight loss

If you want to prevent excessive fat, you should eat dates on an empty stomach. Namely, it is going to control your body weight, since they have no cholesterol. You have to be familiar with the fact that they are rich in sugar, so be careful when consuming them.

Source:healthline.com, medicaldailypress.blogspot.com