It can be pretty annoying when a girl, be it a friend or girlfriend, doesn’t take your calls and never returns your calls. You call her to share some important thing or for some work, and she just never picks your calls. And within few minutes of your call, she texts you asking,’Hey, did you call, I was busy.’ These are plain excuses. It can be a genuine case of being busy, only sometimes. If any girl in your life has been ignoring your calls for quite some time now, maybe the reason is something that may not have crossed your mind. Let us tell you why some girls just ignore calls and do not mind chatting. No, it is not her laziness, it is you. Here are 5 reasons why a girl ignores your calls.

1. Testing your Patience
Although this can be nerve wrecking if she calls you back and apologizes and does not do this all the time, you may consider giving her the benefit of doubt. If she just does not pick your calls and never calls you back, it may be as good as to forget her!
2. She Does not Like you and Will NEVER
There are certain women who will never garner enough courage to face you and tell you that you are and will never be anything special in this life. This is a red pill and you should take it as it is and don’t create grudges just move on and forget her too. There is possibly someone who will be eager to pick your calls if not call you before you even call them. This love and dating game is a bug circus without winners, we all somewhat LOSE!
3. She is Not Ready for a Relationship
Some women are perfect at ignoring men by not picking their calls since they are nether interested in them or a relationship. This can be a lukewarm situation, you may choose to stay or go but the consequences of hanging on may be far more disastrous than accepting the truth that she just SUCKS! Move on don’t waste your valuable time
4. She is a Player
This is very common in the recent times where a girl can have one guy in one estate and the other in the other side of town. It’s called spreading the risks, you may be the unlucky one who is not pampered, take heart and leave coz they say DON’T hate the player HATE the GAME!
5. She is Heart Broken and Living in Previous Relationship Bliss
If you are dating a new girl who broken up with her partners in a period of less than 6 months this is the most likely cause of your troubles. She may either slip back to her ex or you can try and convince her otherwise. This one I call it SLIPPERY! or it bears a disclaimer ‘ Guys be Aware’ !
6. She has another GUY you are the Spare Wheel!
As hard as it is to believe that some guys would settle for the second position in a woman’s life, it’s happening. Whether you call it urogi, kuchanganyikiwa or true love, this kind of woman will always not pick your calls if you are the second guy. Just aspire to be the ONLY man or quit!