Do you have a feeling your relationship is deteriorating and you need to start looking for the signs he doesn’t love you anymore? Well, you’ve come to the right place!
A man will rarely tell you he doesn’t love you anymore straight to your face, especially if he still harbors warm feelings for you. This could mean anything from respect to pure friendship. And sometimes that feeling is the only thing that would stand in his way of ending things with you. But would you not rather break up then and there if you knew the truth instead of enduring months of uncertainty and agony?
Before cutting the cord you should be able to identify the signs he doesn’t love you anymore. So here some of the signs you should be looking for if you want a to have a clearer picture of the situation

1. Criticizing your appearance
Loving a person means accepting them for everything they are including their flaws. A man who loves you will never feel differently about you if your hair is messy. He might give you hints about wearing certain clothes that he thinks flatter your curves. In his eyes you will always be beautiful and will never mention anything no matter how obvious it is.
When he doesn’t love you
A man who constantly criticizes how you look or who tells you that you need plastic surgery does not care about hurting your feelings. He just wants to emphasize your flaws and make you feel bad about it. This is never a sign of love.
2. He doesn’t help you when you’re suffering
Relationships are all about mutual support.
This is part of the emotional bond of a relationship. And if he doesn’t show interest in comforting or helping you when you are in a bad place, he is breaking off one of the most important ways to emotionally connect – and this is a sign that he could be thinking of cutting ties altogether.
3. Giving unnecessary excuses to avoid you
So normally, you guys loved being together at all times but nowadays, he gets irritated at your every breath, not to talk of hanging out together; girl, this is definitely a bad sign.
Also, if it has come to your notice that somehow you cannot run into each other despite being in the same house, you should know that it isn’t a coincidence. He may just be giving you an indirect signal that he wants out.
Sometimes, in order to avoid going out with you, he might give unnecessary excuses or make something up which you obviously can see through in most cases. This is one of the more subtle signs he doesn’t love you anymore.
4. He stops apologizing for his wrong doings
Even though he is aware of what he did wrong, he ignores it totally and does not apologize. While on the other hand, he wants you to apologize quickly and if you don’t, he might use that as a reason to break off the relationship.
Just any reason becomes good enough to pick up a fight with you – one which would eventually lead to a 3-day misunderstanding. Oh! You broke his glass mug? That makes it a 7-day fight. All in all, this is another red flag that shows that he does not respect your feelings or your opinion on things.
5. Your intimacy is almost nonexistent
It’s normal to want to be next to each other all the time and not be able to keep your hands off each other at the beginning of a relationship. As time goes by, it’s expected that your wild ѕєχ life will slow down to a pace that is normal for you both.
But if you’ve stopped having ѕєχ altogether and it doesn’t seem like your man is even turned on by you anymore, it’s a huge sign the relationship is coming to an end.
6. He’s become secretive
For instance; excusing himself to pick a call, not allowing you have access to his phone as usual, tilting his phone so that you won’t be able to see his messages when you sit beside him, going out without letting you know of his whereabouts and whenever you ask him about it, he “puts you in your place”.
A guy who loves you would tell you most things and would not want to hide anything from you but if that is not the case and he doesn’t love you anymore, he would feel like he has no duty or obligation to let you know and you have no right to question him.
To him, his feelings for you and the time you guys spent together are in the past now. This is definitely a bad sign and you should as well take it seriously.
7. He does not care about your feelings
Regardless of what a man is going through, he would still care about his lady’s feelings. He might not be as sweet and loving as usual, but he would still try to know what’s going on with you. He would comfort you and try to make you feel better.
So, here’s the sad twist: This is not the case for a man who is falling out of love with his lady. He might have little or no interest in whatever she’s feeling. Although he might be aware of what’s going through her mind, he pretends to be unaware – simply oblivious.
8. Flirting
Flirting is actually good for the relationship, not just at the beginning if it, because it can help break up the everyday monotony and routine. And it can even improve your intimacy. Flirting with your partner is important if you want to keep up the spark alive.
When he doesn’t love you:
Sending lots of erotic or teasing photos will not do the trick if your partner does not respond to them. Stop doing this if you don’t receive any positive feedback from them because it is a sign something is wrong with your relationship.
9. He has become increasingly selfish
A man’s behavior will likely take a very selfish turn as soon as he starts losing interest in his relationship. He may become more self-oriented and inconsiderate in his interactions with you. This could take on a variety of shapes. For example, he becomes extremely selfish in bed, he stops asking for your opinion on where you should both go out on dates, all he cares about is his friends, work, studies and routine, and he fails to acknowledge his self-centered behavior even after you’ve pointed it out to him.
10. He stops saying loving words
Although we cannot say all men do this because they might push for the fact that they believe in actions rather than words, quite a number of them do. Words of affirmation of love soften a partner’s heart, so people tend to use it a lot.
The absence of loving words such as “I love you”, and “I miss you” for a very long period of time, with no action to be meted out in its stead, is a big but sometimes subtle sign he doesn’t love you anymore.
11. Jealousy
Jealousy is a normal feeling that men and women feel equally. If he loves, you he might also be jealous about other men paying more attention to you. He feels this because he is afraid of losing you, but as long as it is not out of control and if it doesn’t turn into abuse, it is perfectly normal.
When he doesn’t love you:
A man who doesn’t love you will never be jealous even if you flirt right in front of him. He will not care about you getting a call from a male colleague at 11 pm, because he is no longer interested in you.
12. He begins to compare you with other women
With any little flaw you make, he uses that as an opportunity to bring up other women, especially his ex. No man who loves his girlfriend or wife would compare them with any other; instead he would learn to accept her flaws, while helping to make her a better person.