Home Life Why You Should Brag About Your Spouse

Why You Should Brag About Your Spouse

Reasons Why You Should Brag About Your Spouse

1. Give Them Credit

Give your wife or husband credit for all the things that they do. When they do something for you or someone else, make sure to give them the credit for it, not only to their face, but to others so that others can know why your spouse is the greatest.

2. They Deserve It

I am sure your partner deserves it so make sure and tell others about your spouse and be specific about what he or she does for you and how they are such a blessing. I love to brag on my wife before others because she deserves it, plus we should be encouraging our spouses anyway, right?

3. Shows your Love

This is the way you are showing them love. Love is more than just feelings…it is what you do, like bragging on our spouse and telling others how he or she shows love by his or her actions. Love is a verb; it’s what we do that displays love more than words, but words are important too, so tell others about your spouse and in front of her too, and by doing so, you’re showing your spouse (and others) about your love for them.