Tory Ojeda, now 22, lived with three of her partners in Jacksonville, Florida. She had four partners and found out that she was pregnant by one of them in 2019. However, she said that the five adults would bring up the child as a family.
She met one of her partners, Marc, in high school, and she started a relationship with Travis two months later. She and Travis got engaged in July, but she also found love with their mutual friend Ethan and Christopher, who happened to be the biological father of the baby girl that was due in February.

The parents found out they were expecting while on vacation seven months ago, and Tory said that Chris is the biological father, based off on the approximate conception day. She said: “But as far as I guess, socially goes, we’re all raising the baby together, so everyone’s dad.”
The woman encouraged all of her boyfriends to pursue other people, but she was the only one with multiple partners in their relationship.

Each one of the boyfriends had their own bedroom, but the woman Tory Ojeda noted that her partners “swapped in and out” of her bedroom every night. She made sure that everyone got an “equal turn” in spending time with her.
The polyamorous woman claimed that even though jealousy is a bit of an issue in all relationships, the group had “healthy ways” of coping via open communication.
Although they are all excited to “tag-team” parental responsibilities, some members of their respective families disapprove of their relationship and their pregnancy news.

However, Tory noted that her family was kind of quiet about their disapproval and said that the quintuple couple “definitely” wants more kids in the future.