Home Kindness Woman says final goodbye to her parrot, but the bird’s reaction leaves...

Woman says final goodbye to her parrot, but the bird’s reaction leaves everyone in tears

Losing a close friend is never easy. It makes no difference whether we are “prepared” for it or not.

Grief is not only experienced by humans. Animals are also capable of feeling sadness.

Did you know, for example, that parrots are among the most emotional and cognitive animals on the planet? They are deeply saddened when someone they love passes away.

Parrot Sinbad recently had to go through this with his owner, who he shared his life with for 25 years.

Sinbad, like many animals, formed a deep connection with his owner.

Sinbad is normally a very cheery and upbeat bird, but while his mate lay dчíng, he appeared to comprehend the gravity of the situation and became fairly silent.

This was interpreted as a sign of birds’ strong empathy for their owners.

Parrots, like humans, can experience depression when they lose a loved one. There are even antidepressants for birds.

A dчíng woman’s daughter captured the event you are about to witness. She is about to say her goodbyes to the world when Sinbad arrives for a final rendezvous.

Sinbad definitely wants to be by his owner’s side and expresses how much she means to him. And while he sits on her belly, she expresses how much she loves him.

If you can get through this video without crying, you are much stronger than I could ever be.

The bond we have with our pets cannot always be expressed in words. That is why video clips like this allow us to relate to those who adore their pets as much as we do. This is one of the loveliest things I’ve ever witnessed, and everyone who has ever had a pet they adore can definitely connect to this woman.