Home Health You Are Putting Your Heart at Risk if You Sleep This Much

You Are Putting Your Heart at Risk if You Sleep This Much


We all know a good night’s rest bring many benefits to our body. This comes with having a better reaction time, better cognitive function, long-term and short-term memory recollection, and so on.

It is also a known fact that people with sleep conditions like insomnia and sleep apnea get less sleep and lower quality sleep. This affects their quality of life and health, especially their hearts.

In addition, they also have a much shorter life expectancy. But sometimes, too much of something that is good for you can also be a very debilitating thing.

A new study shows it turns out that sleeping too much; that is, more than the required 9 hours, can have a very bad impact on the heart. Here’s how:

Scientists are still trying to figure out the relation between the quality and quantity of sleep and its subsequent impact on the cardiovascular system, especially on the coronary arteries.

To understand this, let’s first understand how much sleep an ordinary human needs. Adults normally require around seven to eight hours of sleep to rejuvenate properly.

Not getting the standard amount can do more than just leave bags under your eyes, it can also cripple your heart and its associated parts. Those who receive less than their minimum of 6 hours are more prone to heart attacks and other related ailments.

Additionally, a disturbed sleep can trigger the emission of appetite-suppressing hormones. This can cause you to sometimes overindulge in foods when you feel you haven’t slept well.

This is because of the fact that it will inhibit the release of leptin and subsequently cause a rise in ghrelin, which is known to aid in metabolism.

Nevertheless, researchers also found that people who sleep longer than 8 to 9 hours every night are also more likely to develop heart disease because inactivity causes a build-up of certain elements in the bloodstream like calcium.

This is an important element that is very useful for the development of bones and the production of blood, but in some cases, when it is stagnant in the bloodstream, it can cause the build-up of plaque in the bloodstream.

There are certain steps that people can take to improve the quality of their sleep and their overall lifestyle because it usually affects every facet of an individual’s life. Among these are some very common practices that you can adopt.

– Keep off all forms of caffeine and carbonated beverages hours before bedtime.

Needless to say, caffeine will awaken your brain and keep you agitated.

– Keep away from alcohol during the day. 

The better thing to do would be to abstain from it completely.

– Perform some form of exercise 

Performing some form of exercise during the day, even if it is just some brisk walking in the evening will not only improve your lifestyle but also your sleep schedule

By keeping all of these things in mind, you will not only improve your health but also live a happier and more fulfilling life.

Reference: habitsandroutines.com