Let’s be honest, marriage is sweet but hard. One partner might be happy to spend time alone while the other might feel neglected.
Find out if your spouse is sending you a sign he or she is not getting enough one-on-one time with you to keep your marriage happy and secure. Below is a list of 5 signs which show that your spouse is not getting enough attention from you.

1. Your partner becomes too clingy.
Showing love is important in maintaining relationships. However, if you notice that your spouse doesn’t let you out of her sight when you come home from work, it may be a sign that she is afraid of being rejected and through such a way she gives you a hint that you don’t give her enough attention.
2. Your partner is more distant than usual.
On the other hand, some people when feeling neglected become too distant. She may not want to feel touched or talk with you at all because she is upset that you don’t understand the need to spend more time with each other.
3. Your partner doesn’t want to do things together anymore.
If such things happen, it is a clear sign that you haven’t been spending a lot of time lately and you have become too distant. In such cases it is normal for your partner to turn to people who give her more attention than you do. Thus, if you want to save your marriage, you have to decide what is more important to you – your work, friends or your spouse.
4. Your partner becomes angry over little things.
When people get angry about things which are not that important, it means that they are unhappy in some other areas of their lives and in such cases it is usually their love life. Thus, when your spouse gets angry over trivial things, you should consider spending more time with her.
5. Your partner is jealous that you spend your time with other people.
Even if she understands that it is important for you to connect with your friends, she will get upset about it if you constantly treat them a priority and never make time for her.
Reference: thelawuniverse.com