Home Jokes A little bird fell out of the nest

A little bird fell out of the nest

A little bird fell out of the nest and went to explore the surrounding world.

Soon he meets a large, hairy animal and asks:

“Hello, I’m a little bird. Who are you?”

Hello. I’m the Wolf-dog”

“A wolf-dog? That’s weird! How can you be a wolf-dog? You can either be a wolf or a dog!”

“You know, my mother is a dog, my father is a wolf, and here I am. A wolf-dog”

“Oooh, that’s great! I learned something today! Thank you!” and flies away

After a while, the little bird reaches the river and sees a fish going upstream.

“Hello fish, I’m a little bird. Who are you?”

“Oh, if you knew… I’m the Salmon Trout”

“A salmon trout? That’s impossible! There’s no such fish! You can either be a salmon or a trout!”

“You know, my mother is a trout, my father is a salmon, and here I am. The Salmon Trout”

“Oooh, that’s wonderful! I learned something today! Thank you!” and flies away After a little while, the little bird meets a tiny insect buzzing in front of its beak and asks:

“Hello tiny insect, I’m a little bird. Who are you?”

“Oh, if you knew… I’m the Tiger Mosquito”

A school hired a new Spanish teacher fresh out of college.

On the teacher’s first day, the principal decides to sit in her class to observe.

He sits down next to Little Johnny.

As the class progresses, the teacher writes a sentence in Spanish on the board.

Suddenly, she drops the chalk on the floor and bends down to pick it up.

When she straightens back up, she asks the class to translate the sentence she just wrote.

Little Johnny raises his hand and says,

“If the skirt was a bit shorter, I’d hit it.”

Naturally flustered, the teacher yells out,

“Johnny! That is disgusting and very rude! Get out of my class right now!”

As Little Johnny is packing his things, he hits the principal on the head with his Spanish textbook and says.

“And you Mister, if you don’t know sh!t, keep your d@mn mouth shut!”
